Chapter 24: He muttered back before leaning in

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Catalina Kyle

I hissed in anger and raked my hand through my hair. Dick glanced at me from the library table. "You good over there?" I shook my head and began to angrily spin my hair up into a bun.

"No. When we met the Music Maker, I lost my headband and I've never replaced it." I finished the bun and shoved a pencil thought it to hold it in place. "Now my hair won't stay out of my face and it's annoying." With the bun taken care of, I started to work on the computer in front of me. I heard Dick hop off the table and move to stand behind me.

"What exactly are you doing?" I shot him a look over my shoulder.

"You going to be mad at me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Depends on what you're doing." I narrowed my eyes and focused most of my attention on the computer.

"I'm hacking into the Arkham Asylum crime database. I'm going to see if they've ever had an inmate that matches the description of the Music Maker. Maybe Batgirl or Red Hood brought her in at some point." I stopped typing to spun my chair to face Dick. "Who is Batgirl, anyway?" Dick scowled.

"I'm not going to give away her identity. Nice try." I shrugged and spun back to the computer.

"Your loss." I started to type again and sighed in exasperation as angry red letters and numbers crossed the screen. "Dammit. I can't get past the firewall." Dick sighed and pulled my chair away from computer with surprising strength. He hovered over the computer and started to work.

"Let me try." I got up and leaned against his side as he typed.

"How are you doing this?" He grinned.

"Just a little something I've picked up working for the man. It's a really handy skill to have." I nodded silently and watched for a few more minutes until he straightened up. "Done." I stared at the screen before turning to look up at him.

"You rat bastard." Dick's eyebrows rose as I pulled the rolling chair back up to the table.

"Was that really called for?" I shook my head and my bun came loose. I cursed but didn't mess with it at as I started to search through the database. I heard Dick pull up a chair and start watching over my shoulder. As information began to flow through the computer, I frowned.

"I didn't realize that Aunt Ivy was back in Arkham. Would explain why I haven't seen her in a while.

"Aunt Ivy?" Dick whispered as he moved closer to me. I glanced over my shoulder and realized it was because more students had entered the library. We moved closer in order to hide the screen.

"Yes, my Aunt Ivy." I hissed back. "Based on who my boss is, you shouldn't really be surprised." He shook his head.

"I'm not. Just surprised that you call her that. Why not, Isly or something like that?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"Because I call her Aunt Ivy. It's not a weird name." I looked back at the screen. "I have weirder names for different villains." Dick chuckled and his breath caressed my cheek.

"Yeah, I remember. A certain 'Grandpa Frosty' come to mind." I twisted to face him and his face was closer than I remembered. My lips grazed his cheek, leaving behind a faint hint of red lipstick. Both of us froze, him looking at the computer screen and me staring at the side of his face. "You ok?" Dick asked in a slightly strained voice.

"Mh hm." I could feel the flush crawling up my face. "Just hold still for two seconds." I pulled the sleeve of my academy blazer of my fist and began to rub the lipstick off his cheek.

"Marked me, did you? You could of just asked." He joked. I scowled and smacked him in the back of the head then continued to scrub his face.

"Shut it, Grayson." After a few more moments, he squirmed away from me.

"Ow! Jesus, Cat! You're clawing my face off!" He grabbed my wrist with a little too much strength and tugged me out of the spinning chair and into his lap. Thanks to Selina's training, my free arm locked around his neck. His training must have kicked in as well because his free arm locked around my waist and pulled me even closer. I glared at him and tried desperately to stop my face from turning even more red.

"Was this what you wanted to accomplish?" I asked sweetly. Dick's face was red as well but he didn't let go of my wrist or my waist.

"I mean, it couldn't get worse, could it?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes and pulled my wrist free and wrapping my arm around his neck. I brought my face up to his again till I could feel his breath on my lips.

"I could do this. Does this make it worse?" I whispered. I don't think he meant to but his arms tightened around my waist.

"I don't think so." He muttered back before leaning in.

Batfamily (1): Black Cub (Dick Grayson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now