Chapter 34: I just have to talk to someone tomorrow

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Dick Grayson

"So. You just miraculously found out about this?" Jason's tone was judging but his entire demeanor was relaxed. I frowned.

"Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?" Jason snorted and stopped messing with his guns.

"Oh please, Grayson. You have a hard time taking standardized tests and you suddenly figure out that there is an entire subcomplex under the mall? It's a little unbelievable." I rolled my eyes.

"Look, if you don't believe I found it on my own, you can just leave and I'll look into this myself." Jason sighed heavily and slid his guns into his thigh holsters.

"No, no. I'd hate for something to happen to you and for Bruce to blame me." I shook my head.

"Thanks for the support." We moved silently through the mall and to the fountain that Catalina had told me about. It had taken a lot of prying in the library for her to finally tell me but I was glad she did. I jumped down into the fountain while Jason stood above me and kept watch.

"So what happened with you and the girlfriend?" I gritted my teeth as I searched around for the catch at the base of the Poseidon statue.

"Is now really the time to be talking about that?" Jason shrugged and looked around.

"Probably not. I'm just passing time. Did she dump you?" I grunted as I found the catch and the fountain began to rumble.

"Yes. She did. Can we focus on this please?" Jason jumped into the fountain next to me and looked down the ladder into the darkness.

"I think I'll let you take point on this one. Being the older member here and all." I glared at him but I couldn't make out his face because of his red hood helmet. I started down the ladder and was halfway down with Jason above me when the fountian started rumbling again and shut above us. Luckily Jason stopped above me, since I could no longer see. "You alright down there?" He asked.

"Give me a second." I fumbled around in my utility belt until I pulled out a small flashlight. "Alright, I'm good." We continued down the ladder until we reached the bottom.

"This is fucking weird man. Bruce had no idea that this thing was here?" I shook my head.

"No. I mentioned it to him but he didn't say." Jason shook his head and pulled out one of his guns. I followed suit and pulled out my batons. We traveled in silence for a while. The tunnels pretty quickly became a maze and I lost track of where we should be under the city.

"I thought this was like an old basement type deal." Jason muttered. "Like something the mall had just built on top of. But this seems like a lot more." I nodded and was about to respond when something behind us snarled. Both of us froze and then slowly turned around. The large black wolf was glaring at us from several feet away. Even though neither one of us made a move, the thing howled deeply and lunged at us. We both took off but not before I heard Jason yell and unleash a round on the wolf. We skidded around the corner, and I saw a light up ahead and a figure standing in front of a section of open wall. I ran towards them but the figure stumbled backwards and slammed the wall shut.


"Motherfucker!" Jason cursed and flinched his arm away from Alfred.

"While I understand the sentiment, Master Todd. If you could please hold still so I may finish." Alfred said drying before continuing to patch up the large claw marks on Jason's arm.

"Did you see who it was?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, Catwoman." Jason responded through gritted teeth.

"Impossible. I was dealing with her myself elsewhere in the city." Bruce relyped immeitdy. I shot him a look but was distracted by Jason's next statement.

"Then it had to be her sidekick. Black Cub." Jason answered then yelped as Alfred messed with his arm.

"What?" I said, my attention officially back into the conversation.

"Oh come on, Grayson. Right before she slammed the wall shut, you could make out enough to tell it was either Catwoman or the other one. Unless there is a third woman running around in leather cat costumes that I don't know about." I shook my head.

"There isn't." My mind was racing. Catalina had been the one in that doorway. Now that Jason mentioned it, I could clearly see it being her with the way her body moved and her reaction. I stood up from the back of the couch and started pacing. Bruce's eyes followed me.

"Something to share, Dick." I shook my head.

"No, not really. I just have to talk to someone tomorrow." 

Batfamily (1): Black Cub (Dick Grayson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now