Chapter 33: I slammed the wall shut just in time

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Catalina Kyle

"Is this seat taken?" I sighed before answering.

"It's a free country." He sat down and glanced at me but I didn't look at him. "You know the whole point of being broken up is so that people don't see us together and get suspicious." Dick frowned.

"I don't care about that. I have information that you need to know." I still didn't look at him. I just continued working on my computer. "What are you even looking for?" He asked, looking over my shoulder. I gritted my teeth and turned to face him.

"Nothing, leave me alone!" He wasn't looking at me though, he was looking at my computer screen.

"Why are you looking for old schematics of the mall?" Dick quickly looked around the rest of the library before lowering his voice. "Why are you looking up this stuff on the school network?"

"Because I don't have a fancy hideout to go look this stuff up on my own." I hissed back. "Now, what do you want?" He pulled away from my computer and his face was inches away from me.

"That thing from the box was a wolf." I frowned.

"What? How do you know?" His blue eyes stared into mine.

"I ran into it three weeks ago with another member of the batfamily. It killed the other two people in the other two boxes." I inhaled sharply. "I tried to tell you sooner but you've done a good job at avoiding me." I raised my chin in defence.

"You're very hard to avoid." He smirked and my breath hitched. He glanced at my computer.

"Now, do you want to tell me what you've been doing for your night job?"


"I'm so going to burn down this fucker to the ground as soon as this is all over." I muttered, crouching down on a rooftop on the neighboring warehouse. I pressed a hand on my face mask to make sure it was secure before leaping over to the roof of the Music Maker's warehouse. I stumbled, nearly falling down into the wolf hole but managed to catch myself.

I froze for several moments, listening to the sounds of the woods and the warehouse beneath me. It didn't like anything was there but appearances could be deceiving. I began to move and slowly lowered myself down from the wolf hole into the warehouse.

"Ok, he went over this warehouse with another member of the batfamily. Which means that there probably isn't much left for me to find." I blew air out of my mouth and looked around. "Unless there is a clue that wants to be super obvious." Nothing immediately jumped out at me so I sighed and jumped off the remains of the wolf box. When Dick and I had come here we'd investigated the box that the wolf had busted out pretty thoroughly.

"But he would be disappointed if I didn't go over it again." I spent the next hour and a half combing through the three large boxes and the rest of the boxes in the warehouse. I didn't find anything other than where the other two bodies had clearly been and more and more music note necklaces. Because the Bat Family had been alerted over the wolves and Dick had found the bodies I guess that they were removed by the police. I sighed and sat down on one of the boxes.

"What am I even doing here?" I muttered. I knew what I was doing. I was trying to keep myself busy. I didn't want to be back in the warehouse. But I was trying to do everything I could to try and not go after Dick again. I wanted him more than anything in the world but I knew that if we continued going out, my family would find out and something bad would happen. I growled in frustration and threw one of the small boxes of the necklace across the room. It hit the wall with a hollow clang before bouncing to the floor.

I threw my head back then snapped it right back up. Hollow? I got up and walked over to the wall. I tentatively knocked on the wall and confirmed my suspicions. "Fake wall in a warehouse full of technologically advanced necklaces and wolves? Sure, why not?" I grunted as I lodged my claws in the wall seam and began to pull the wall open. It was ridiculously heavy and I put my entire weight into trying to pry the door open. Finally the wall popped open suddenly and I fell backwards onto my ass.

I got to my feet and peeked into the corridor. "Oh, no way." I breathed and moved further into the stone hallway. It was the same passageway from under the mall. Why the hell did it connect so far out in the city? I continued down the hallway until a blood chilling howl ripped through the tunnel. I froze, my heart racing. Up ahead of me, someone stumbled around the corner. They spotted me and began to charge toward me. I scrambled backward, screaming and slammed the wall shut just in time.

Batfamily (1): Black Cub (Dick Grayson x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon