Chapter 30

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Later at the Human Village....
Batman/Johnny was gliding throughout the village and grappling up at the rooftops patrolling the night. The Batsuit was mostly covered in snow.

"I hope you're trying to keep a low profile tonight, Johnny." Alfred said on Batman/Johnny's earbud.

"Trust me, Al. I'll be back at the hotel before Mavis and the others realizes that I'm gone. I had it under control." Batman/Johnny reassured while gliding up on the sky.

"It's not just that. If some curious child looks out the window to see who's pattering across their rooftops, they're expecting Santa Claus, not a giant bat-creature." Alfred said.

"I don't patter." Batman/Johnny commented while Alfred sigh and ending the conversation.

While gliding around the human village, Batman/Johnny managed to spot some thugs outside a research laboratory building. Batman/Johnny managed to glide kick one of the thugs.

"Look out! Batman's here!" One of the thugs shouted and given a flying punch by Batman/Johnny right on the face.

"This is gonna hurt, Batman!" Another thug tried to punch Batman/Johnny but the attack was countered and was punched at the jaw

"Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Rob...." The third thug mocked was cut off when Batman/Johnny kicked him at the rib cage.

Batman/Johnny kept punching every thug he sees forming his free flow combat until the thugs were knocked out one by one. After the thugs were defeated, Batman/Johnny recognized the attire that the thugs were wearing.

"Strange, these are Penguin's men but why are they doing at a research laboratory building?" Batman/Johnny asked in his mind. He also noticed a giant ice wall was blocking the entrance of the building. "That wall of ice is blocking the entrance of the laboratory. The Thermal Gloves can break that ice once I get back to the hotel but right now I need to find another way in to the building."

Batman/Johnny grappled up to the rooftop of the building and found a vent that leads inside the building. Batman/Johnny crouched down to fit inside the vent and managed to get inside the building only to find security guards frozen in ice.

"There's still alive but only frozen in ice. There's something more sinister going on here. I'll come back to help these people once I have my Thermal Gloves built into the XE Suit." Batman/Johnny said as he continued walking through the hallway and found another group of thugs beating up the CEO, Ferris Boyle.

"Yeah hit him again!" A thug yelled while they were beating up Boyle.

"No please!" Boyle pleaded in fear until a thug punched him on the face sending him to the ground.

Batman/Johnny jumped in to rescue Boyle from the thugs. All of the thugs were now struck by fear as Batman/Johnny began to take them all down one by one.

"Are you hurt?" Batman/Johnny asked after he finished the thugs.

"I.... I can't believe it! You're real!" Boyle gasped in surprise.

"I'm getting you out of here." Batman/Johnny said as he helped Boyle to stand up.

They were about to head into a much safer place until Mr. Freeze showed up wearing his cryogenic suit and his freeze gun. Mr. Freeze fired his gun at them but Batman/Johnny managed to push Boyle away. It was Batman/Johnny was stuck in the ice only leaving out his head and hands.

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