Chapter 5

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The Next Day....
The night after Johnny's patrol as Batman, he just finished talking to his brother, Brett on the phone and said that they have the opportunity to visit the hotel in a few days.

"Mavy, I've got some great news. I just talked to my brother and said they'll be visiting here at the hotel in a few days." Johnny yelled in excitement.

"Really!?" Mavis smiled exposing her fangs. "Holy Rabies! This is going to be a blast! I can't wait to meet them!"

"Yeah me too! Something tells me that you guys are going to get along just fine. Especially with my sister, Melly." Johnny said.

"Aww. That's cute, honey. But we should tell this to my dad before your family comes here." Mavis said as Johnny agrees with her. "This so fun! I'm finally going to meet your sister, brothers, and your parents!" After hearing what Mavis said, Johnny's eyes winded knowing that his parents won't be able to meet Mavis, Dracula, and the others.

The young couple arrived at Dracula's office and told him about Johnny's family coming to visit the hotel in a few days. This made Dracula worried.

"More humans coming into my hotel. I don't think I like where this is going." Dracula said nervously.

"Come on, dad. They're Johnny's family and OUR future in-laws. Besides, we are going to meet them anyway now that Johnny and I are getting married." Mavis explained.

"Drac, I promise you. My family are good people. You guys gave Alfred a chance so why not my family? Besides, it's just my brothers and sister visiting the hotel." Johnny did his best to try not to get sad by not mentioning his parents while Dracula and Mavis were confused why his parents weren't coming. "Please. It would really mean a lot to me and Mavis if you let them come here."

"Alright, you two win. I'll get the staff to ready their rooms by the time they get here." Dracula said releasing a deep sigh.

Mavis and Johnny cheered in victory and thanked Dracula for giving them permission.

The rest of the day, Mavis and Johnny decided to hangout with Hank, Pedro, and Wendy at the lobby. The both of them had fun all day while Johnny started to get along with Mavis' friends. They watched the flat screen TV on the lobby telling the story about this 'Bat-man' myth has taken out a bunch of criminals in human village last night.

The kids, except Johnny, were fascinated about this vigilante running around the human village fighting the bad guys every single night. Everyone suspected that the vigilante could be another vampire or it was just made-up stories.

"Do you think Uncle Drac could that 'Bat-Man' guy, Mavis?" Wendy asked randomly which surprised both Mavis and Johnny.

"What? No! Wendy, why would you ask that kind of question?" Mavis asked. She knows her dad doesn't do those kind of stuff secretly.

"I don't know. he's a bat and Uncle Drac can transform into a bat." Wendy said randomly.

"I'm not sure about that, Wendy. I mean it's not Uncle Drac's style." Hank said disapproving Wendy's theory.

"Guys, I think Mavis is right." Johnny said pretending he doesn't know who the Batman is. "I mean Drac's been pretty busy all night working on the hotel problems around here and he doesn't go out of the hotel that much. Probably that 'Bat-Man' news are just made-up stories."

"Yeah." Mavis said.

"I don't know about you guys but if Uncle Drac is that bat-dude, I'm telling everybody." Pedro proudly exclaimed while Mavis just gave an evil glare at her friend. Pedro just lowered his body cowardly.

All of the sudden, Johnny received a text form Alfred in phone that they should meet back in his room.

"Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later. Alfred just texted me and wanted to talk to me about something." Johnny said while Mavis and her friends said ok.

Johnny entered Alfred's hotel room where he was working on the laptop.

"What have you got for me, Al?" Johnny asked closing the door behind him.

"Remember the Henry Claridge character you told me to find, well take a look at this." Alfred turned the laptop so that Johnny could see the character bio.

"Henry Claridge, age 43 and a wealthy business man. Turns out he owns a chemical plant in town. So he's the owner that chemical plant." Johnny realized.

"I'm sorry. What? Do you know that place, Johnathan?" Alfred asked.

"I told you last night that there was a chemical plant break-in that I stopped a couple of months ago. It's the same one. That could be the place where Claridge is making the drugs. Good work, Al. I'll take a look at it later tonight." Johnny said. "By the way, Brett called and said they'll be coming here in a few days."

"Oh that is good news!" Alfred exclaimed in happiness. "Your family is going to love their future in-laws! I know it, Johnny!"

Johnny was so excited to see his brothers and sister again to catch up the things he missed and meeting the love of his life with her family.

To be continued....

Hotel Transylvania: Johnny is THE BATMAN (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now