Chapter 8

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(Background Music)

6 Armed men were patrolling the rooftop of the building that the man gave to Johnny/Batman, who was already there on top of the gargoyles hiding in the dark. Planning his attacks silently.

"Anyone bored? I'm bored." One of the armed men asked his comrades while patrolling the rooftop but non of them answered.

"6 men are on the rooftop and all armed. This could be the place." Johnny/Batman dropped down from the gargoyle sneaking around the rooftop. Johnny/Batman was able to sneak behind an armed thug and performed a silent takedown knocking him unconscious.

Johnny/Batman fired his grappling gun at another gargoyle zipping him up on top of it. Once Johnny/Batman was on top of the gargoyle, he noticed another armed man was underneath him. Johnny/Batman performed an inverted takedown by quickly grabbing the armed men underneath him zipping them back up on top of the gargoyle.

"What are you doing!" The armed men tried to break free from Johnny/Batman's grip but he let's him go. The armed man screamed from falling but was stopped when a rope was attached on his foot to the gargoyle leaving him hanging there.

"Who's screaming?! Someone get over there!" The remaining 4 armed men ran from where the screaming happened as Johnny/Batman used his grappling gun to switch at the nearest gargoyle.

"What the? How come you're up there?" One of the remaining 4 men shockingly asked at their hanging comrade.

"Help me! Cut me down!" The hanging man yelled while Johnny/Batman, still on top of another gargoyle, threw a batarang cutting the rope attached at the hanging man's leg. The 4 men were startled when their comrade fell down knocking him unconscious.

"I'm sure it came from over there!" They pointed their guns at the gargoyle where the batarang came from but Johnny/Batman was no longer on top of it now. "Is... is that it!? Is that the best you can do!?"

"Leave him! We need to look out for ourselves. What's wrong?! To scared to show yourself!?" The remaining four men walked around to find their intruder. Their bodies were shaking in fear and their heart beating fast.

One armed man went on solo while his other comrades decided to look out for each other. The armed continued walking nervously with his gun loaded but not knowing that he was stepping on floor grates. Johnny/Batman quickly came out from the floor grate and slammed the man's body on the ground knocking him out.

This alerted the remaining 3 armed men to quickly run at where the noise came from. Hearing them coming, Johnny/Batman fired his grappling gun at the gargoyle before they found him.

"Oh no! Not you too!" The armed men tried to wake their comrade up but was unconscious. "I don't like this. Not one little bit."

Johnny/Batman expanded his cape for him to glide and performed a glide kick at the lonely armed man. The kick was so strong that fell on the floor as Johnny/Batman did a ground takedown to finish him off.

Johnny/Batman climbs down at the ledge waiting for the 2 remaining armed men to come. The 2 thugs saw another of their comrade unconscious. The first thug tried to wake him up while the other was right behind him guarding. Not knowing that Johnny/Batman performed a ledge takedown as he grabs the thug and throws him on the ground.

Hotel Transylvania: Johnny is THE BATMAN (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now