Chapter 22

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Somewhere in the Human Village....
Inside a building were 6 of the Joker's armed goons guarding the gigantic room while the two thugs were watching the two hostages who were both tied up together to a chair.

"Please... you don't have to this." The woman anxiously said crying for help.

"Oh sure we don't need to do this but that won't stop us!" The thug said with a menacing voice and laugh while reloading his gun, which made the couple frighten.

"Just let my wife go and take me instead.... we have a son!" The man explained terrified trying to protect his wife from the dangerous thugs.

"Too bad, that kid is going to be an orphan pretty soon." The thug said while laughing cruelly.

"Do you have any idea how hard being a henchmen is? Listening to orders from a crazy person and following them without any question." Another thug yelled out of frustration at the couple.

"Yeah. Do you think I like being yelled at that maniac clown?!" The first thug shouted at the couple.

"Oh god no!" The man was frightened from what the Joker's men was about to do to them.

Batman/Johnny was on top of a vantage point and an armed goon was underneath him. He performed an inverted takedown by quickly grabbing the enemy below him and leaves him dangling from it by a cable tied to his legs. This takedown has drawn the attention of the other thugs.

"Get over there and find out who's screaming." All the thugs ran to the area from where they heard their comrade's scream.

Batman/Johnny switched on to another vantage point and threw a Batarang cutting the cable. The unconscious thug fell the ground and startled his fellow comrades.

"I'm sure it came from over there!" The 5 thugs aimed there guns from where the Batarang came from but Batman/Johnny quickly used his grappling gun swinging to another vantage point before the thugs noticed a thing. "Come on where are you?!"

"Wake up! Can you hear me? Wake up!" One of the thugs tried to wake their fallen comrade up but it was unsuccessful. "Damn he's out cold! Show yourself, chicken!"

"Alright new plan, we spread out and get revenge!" Another thug said moving on to find Batman/Johnny.

While the thugs spread out to find the vigilante, Batman/Johnny glides down from his vantage point and sprayed an Explosive Gel behind a weak wall.

The Explosive Gel is a gadget and occasional weapon. Batman/Johnny could spray the gel on weak structures and trigger the gel to explode.

After spraying the weak wall with Explosive Gel, Batman/Johnny threw a Sonic Batarang in front of the weak wall and Batman/Johnny quickly grappled up to a new vantage point.

The Sonic Batarang can sent out a high-pitched wailing sound and could be detonated to incapacitate any thug near the gadget.

"Where's the noise coming from?" The thugs heard a wailing sound echoing within the room. A thug arrived at the area from where the noise is coming from and saw the Sonic Batarang in front of the weak wall.

"What's that metal thing doing there?" Thug went to have a closer look at the Sonic Batarang but was failed to noticed that the Sonic Batarang exploded leaving an electrical shock at the thug for getting too close. The scream of the thug alerted the rest that Batman/Johnny has taken one of them out again.

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