Chapter 17

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The Human Village....
Later that night, Dracula, Mavis, Johnny, Brett, Kent, Melly, Alfred, Frank, Eunice, Murray, Hank, Wendy and Pedro were riding at the hearse heading their way to the human village. After their short journey, they all exited the hearse to explore the human village. Johnny secretly brought his suitcase underneath his sit inside the hearse in case if Batman was ever needed.

"Holy Rabies! This is going to so much fun!" Mavis squealed in excitement like a little child.

"Whoa settle down, hon. There's always time to check the place around here." Johnny chuckled at Mavis' excitement like he was a parent.

"It's so nice to get out of the hotel every once in awhile." Wendy said breathing through the fresh air and exhaling it.

"So where do we go first?" Kent asked while looking around at the village.

"I don't know yet but I suggest we walk around the town. Maybe we'll find something fun to do." Johnny said as he held Mavis' arms.

While walking around the village, the humans widened their eyes in shock to see Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Mummy in real life. They recognized them from the Monster Festival when they were finding Johnny several months ago.

"Hey look, it's Count Dracula!" "Whoa it's the Mummy!" "We love you, Frankenstein!" All the humans gasped starstruck and came up to the monsters like they were celebrities. Shaking hands, making them sign their personal items, and taking pictures with them.

The only ones who weren't getting much attention were Johnny, Mavis, Hank, Pedro, Wendy, Eunice, Brett, Kent, Melly, and Alfred. They just watched Dracula, Frank, and Murray handling their fans.

"Oh boy, here we go again." Dracula sighed in annoyance while Frank and Murray enjoyed the humans' love for them as their adoring fans.

"Yes, hi there. Good to see you, too. How are you?" Dracula said giving an uncomfortable smile and laugh trying to escape the human crowd. Meanwhile, Frank and Murray were treating their fans really well.

"Is it okay if we take a picture with you guys?" A human girl asked Frank with her friends.

"Yeah sure." Frank said in a friendly way.

"Any fan of the Mummy is no problemo!" Murray said winking at the girls.

The human girls went closer to Frank and Murray to take their picture while Frank took off his head as a selfie action.

After the human girls got the chance to take their pictures, Frank suddenly saw his wife, Eunice, glaring and crossing her arms at him after watching his interaction with those girls. Hank simply got an 'Uh oh' on his face.

"So what was that about, huh?" Eunice snapped at Frank a little jealous.

"Aww, come on, honey. Don't be mad. I was just trying to be nice to the humans. They love monsters now." Frank explained laughing nervously while Eunice just lets it go on her thoughts and forgives him.

"Sounds like you've made some adoring fans, dad." Mavis said to Dracula as she and Johnny chuckled after watching Dracula struggled with his human fans.

"Yes, I probably did." Dracula said tiredly "It just happens when me and your uncles came to this village for the first time. Turns out they held a Monster Festival every once in a while." Dracula said referring to the time when he and the Drac Pack tried to bring back Johnny.

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