Chapter 26

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It was now the night that the Vampire Council arrived at the hotel. Everyone including the Drac Pack, Mavis' friends, and the Loughrans were now in the ballroom waiting for the hearing to start. The ballroom now look liked a courtroom. Johnny entered the ballroom wearing his suit and tie. He saw Dracula with Mavis and the vampire councilman who visited the hotel last week.

"Good thing you wore a formal attire." Dracula was impressed that Johnny was able to wear something formal despite the fact Johnny could be a slacker sometimes.

"Just wanna make the best first impression." Johnny said while adjusting his neck tie up on his neck. Dracula gave a weak laugh from the young boy's humor. "I figured I could just roll with it."

"Aww." Mavis always loved hearing Johnny saying his motto. For her, he looked so adorable.

Johnny then trailed his eyes to Mavis, who was wearing her usual black clothing and her cape that she made for her 118th birthday.

"You look beautiful." Johnny smiled at Mavis.

"And you look very handsome." Mavis smiled back kissing Johnny on the cheek.

"Johnathan, this is a friend of mine in the Vampire Council, Marvin. He's also favored of uniting humans and monsters." Dracula said as he introduces Johnny to his friend, Marvin.

"Its a pleasure to meet you, sir." Johnny said extending his hand for a friendly handshake a little nervous.

"It is also a pleasure to you too, young man." Marvin kindly accepted Johnny's handshake. This calmed Johnny down knowing this new vampire is a friend.

Dracula and Marvin sat to their respective seats while Johnny hugged Mavis tightly and kissed her forehead deeply before the joined the others.

"Mavis, I'm crazily scared right now." Johnny whispered softly on Mavis' ear.

"I know." Mavis said softly hugging him back. With her enhance hearing, she could easily hear Johnny's heart beating fast. Mavis was nervous as well. "No matter what happens, I still love you and we're still going to get married."

Both Mavis and Johnny shared one deep passionate kiss before they went to their seats beside Dracula. They all waited for another couple of minutes for the hearing to start while Mavis and Johnny held hands for the time being until the members of the Vampire Council arrived and sat on a long table on the stage in front of the audience.

"All rise." The Vampire Council said as everyone in the room stood up from their seats. "We are here to announce that the hearing of the Vampire Council will now begin to decide the faith for both Mavis Dracula and Johnathan Loughran and in addition to wether we should open our monster world to the humans in the future." The Vampire Councilman finished his announcement before everyone sat back to their seats.

"Here we go." Johnny whispered nervously.

"Count Dracula, would you please come forward and answer the following questions?" The Vampire Councilman suggested.

"Of course, my fellow councilmen." Dracula stood up from his chair and walked towards to the Councilmen

"Is it true that the hotel was discovered by this young human?" The Vampire Councilman asked.

"Yes, Councilman." Dracula answered.

"And why would you allow the young Mr. Loughran to live in your hotel?" The Vampire Councilman asked again.

"Because Johnny is special for me and my family. He has zinged with my daughter, Mavis." Dracula told his reason to the Vampire Council then trailed on to Martha's promise. "When my wife, Martha died that faithful night. I promised her that I would always protect our only daughter from harm's way. That's why I've built this hotel for my love, to protect Mavis and the other monsters hiding in the shadows from the horrible humans back then until Johnny arrived to the hotel. He had showed me that humans have now changed for the last centuries. I believe that Johnathan and Mavis are meant to be together and taking him away would be a mistake and dishonoring Martha's wishes. I couldn't be more happier seeing my Mavy-wavy finding her zing and every monster in this hotel sees Johnny as a friend." Dracula turns around and smiled at both Mavis and Johnny, who smiled back at him. "I do hope that humans and monsters can be reunited again peacefully. That would be all. Thank you."

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