Chapter 20

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A couple of minutes later....
The 5 hostages were now safe at the hands of the police and some of the Joker's crew are now in police custody. The Vampire-human family were relived that Dracula was alright, mostly Mavis.

"Daddy!" Mavis cried out running towards to Dracula giving him the biggest hug.

"Mavis! Why did you come back here? I told you guys to head back to the hotel." Dracula complied a little disappointed at Mavis for not listening to him.

"I know but I was worried that something bad might happen to you. Just like what almost happened to you earlier." Mavis said letting a small tear come out from her eyes. Dracula dropped his jaw realizing that he made Mavis worried about him.

"Oh Mavis. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to worry you like that. I'm alright now." Dracula reassured hugging Mavis back which then reminded her of something else.

"JOHNNY! Holy Rabies! We couldn't find Johnny anywhere...." Mavis screamed panicking but was cut off when Batman/Johnny joined them.

"Calm down. Johnny's fine. I saw him earlier calling for help but I told him to get to safety. He should be here by now." Batman/Johnny answered with his voice modulator/changer.

Mavis wasn't sure how to react from what Batman/Johnny told her but somehow this calmed her down a little. On the other hand, Mavis was amazed seeing Batman/Johnny for the first time in person. Especially after saving Dracula's life.

Both Dracula and Mavis can perfectly view the exact details of Batman/Johnny's costume from top to bottom; his black leather cowl with pointy ears and white eye lens, his black cape with collar similar to Dracula's, his gray shoulder pads and gray chest armor with a black metallic bat symbol on it and his gray midsection armor, his black gauntlets with three triangle-shaped blades on the sides and black motorcycle gloves, his black utility belt containing his gadgets, his gray tactical-military esque pants with a leg hostler carrying his grappling gun, his gray bat-shaped knee pads, and lastly his black boots.

They thought it was clever of him to design this unique Batsuit to intimidate the criminals lurking behind the shadows.

"You're the Batman. You saved my father's life from that evil clown. Thank you." Mavis said smiling very thankful for Batman/Johnny's heroic act.

"Yes, you did. I wouldn't be here with my family if it wasn't for you. Thank you." Dracula said putting his arm around his daughter's shoulder pulling Mavis closer to him.

"The pleasure is all mine, sir. I also thank you for helping me stop these maniacs and rescuing the other hostages." Batman/Johnny said.

"Well the pleasure is also mine as well. You can call me Dracula or Drac if you want to." Dracula said with a friendly smile accepting Batman/Johnny as a friend.

"If you insist, Dracula." Batman/Johnny nodded appreciating their support. He turns around and saw Hank, Pedro, and Wendy were looking at him with those big grins on their faces and making squealing noises in excitement. Batman/Johnny knew that they were huge fans of him so he acted like he didn't know them and to be friendly with them. "Who are you guys supposed to be."

"Oh. They're just my friends. This is Hank, Pedro, and Wendy." Mavis went to her friends introducing them to Batman/Johnny.

"It's really awesome to finally meet you, Sir. Batman! Or is it just... Batman?" Hank spoke up while extending his arm for a hand shake.

"Nice to meet you all." Batman/Johnny gave them each a hand shake. Hank, Pedro, and Wendy couldn't help it but released a few giggles that Batman/Johnny shakes their hands.

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