Chapter 25

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Hotel Transylvania.....
It was now day before the Vampire Council comes to the hotel about the faith of Mavis and Johnny. They young couple had never been more afraid than before. Johnny was in his room preparing another gadget for Batman and also prepared a suit and tie for him to wear tomorrow.

"New high-tech contact lens, check. Prototype disruptor active, another check. Better be ready in case for an emergency." Johnny said as he puts the contact lens on his eyes.

Johnny's new high-tech contact lens could identify items of interest and enhance his vision. They could also detect electronic sources and allowing Johnny to monitor areas and perform investigations without the Batsuit.

After Johnny puts his contact lens on, he grabbed his disruptor from the table examining it.

The Prototype Disruptor is a small detonator gadget used by Batman/Johnny and could easily override normal Weapons, especially guns.

Johnny suddenly heard a knock on the door that startled him.

"Just a sec! I'm coming!" Johnny shouted as he quickly hid disruptor inside the pocket of his suit then opened the door only to find Brett, Kent, Melly, and Alfred. "Oh hey guys." Johnny said as he lets them enter his room.

"Hey, little brother." Kent said smiling at Johnny.

"What are you guys doing?" Johnny asked curiously.

"We wanted to check up on you. Especially the big night coming tomorrow." Melly explained.

"How are you holding up, little bro." Kent asked worriedly. Johnny just sighed.

"To be honest, I'm crazily scared right now." Johnny frowned lowering his pain. "We already lost mom and dad and now I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose Mavy as well."

The Loughrans feel Johnny's pain. They didn't want to see Johnny suffer more after witnessing their parents death and the possible chance of losing Mavis.

"Don't worry, Johnny. You and Mavis will get through this. I know you will." Melly walked over to Johnny and hugged him tightly for comfort.

"Yeah. You two will get married and start your own family in the future." Brett said. Both him and Kent joined the hug.

"Thanks guys." Johnny smiled at his family for being there for him. This somehow made Johnny a little more comfortable now. Later the Loughrans left the room only leaving Johnny and Alfred. "I'm worried, Al. I'm truly am."

"I know you are, Johnny." Alfred said sadly. "If the Vampire Council did decided to wipe off your memory about Mavis and the other monsters, I fear they may also wipe away Batman. Especially with the Joker still at large." Alfred said.

"You're right!" Johnny gasped in shock while widening his eyes. "After witnessing the Joker's toxin in action, there's no telling how or when he'll attack."

"How do you think he would release his so-called Joker Venom." Alfred asked.

"I doubt he would just run around town and spray his toxin at the people around him." Johnny said while crossing his arms.

"Indeed, Johnathan. I suspect that the Joker is planning something more sinister to release his toxin. Do be careful." Alfred said as he and Johnny left his room to find Mavis. Johnny forgot that he still had the disruptor in the pocket of his suit.

Meanwhile at the cafeteria, Mavis was accompanied by her friends, Hank, Pedro, and Wendy. Mavis was looking tired and weakly eating her food. She was also nervous about tomorrow night's event.

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