Chapter 62 - 'I Am Aware Of Her Feelings For Me.'

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Klaus, Wolfgang and Marcel burst into Marcel's former penthouse, where all the vampires had taken up residence.

"Rise and shine, Nightwalker Nation." Klaus announced as he ripped open the curtains, causing the vampires to move out of the light, "If it was your aim to get my attention, then I must say you've been wildly successful. I am now singularly focused on your impending suffering. And to whomever sent this coin and took my daughter's mother, it's time to show your face."

Wolfgang grabbed three vampires and threw them into the light, setting them ablaze. As the smell of searing flesh filled the room, Klaus and Wolfgang tore through the vampires.

The hunter and the hybrid murdered vampires, ripping hearts out, decapitating and draining them of blood. The few that attempted to fight back were quickly permanently dealt with.

One vampire ran towards Marcel for help but the Enhanced Original threw him back.

"Man, don't look to me for help. Y'all lost your chance to trade loyalty for protection." Marcel said as Wolfgang grabbed the vampire by the hair and dragged him back.

"No." The vampire screamed as Wolfgang threw him into the centre of the room. Without a daylight ring to protect him, the vampire lit on fire and ran around the room, writhing and screaming as he burnt alive.

"This would mark your very last opportunity to confess." Wolfgang said as he turned to another vampire.

"Look, I don't know anything." The vampire pleaded and Wolfgang shook his head as Klaus walked behind the unsuspecting Nightwalker.

"Well, that's a pity for you, then." The hybrid spat before ripping the vampire's heart out.

Greta Sienna walked forwards abd picked up the antique coin that Klaus had dropped.

"It's me you're looking for. Perhaps we should talk." Greta confessed as Wolfgang sized her up and realised where he had seen her.


Germany, 1933 -

"The purpose of art is to portray life as it is." August Muller said to his acolytes as he painted, "When that world is joyous, art must reflect that beauty, but when our existence is beset with unrest, humiliation, hyperinflation, the indignity of reparations, art must necessarily be equally drab and ugly."

"Or perhaps, August, the ugliness is a result of the artist lacking any discernible talent." Wolfgang commented as he sat at the piano.

"The mission of art is to engage our most primal selves..." Klaus continued, joining his friend in critiquing the younger vampire, "To inflame our passion, to provoke our insight. And it should inspire us to drink and brawl and give our sensual race the rein."

"Derivative. And so... extraordinarily tedious." Elijah said as he entered the room, "I wouldn't argue with this fool when he's not listening to a single word you say. He's simply waiting for you to draw a breath so that he might pontificate anew."

"I believe you're thinking of my brother, Elijah. He's the pompous, controlling one." Klaus said with a smile on his face. The older Mikaelson shook his head.

"Interesting. I'd always heard that Elijah was the enigmatic and charming one." Elijah said, as though he wasn't speaking about himself, "The truly distinguished element of the family." 

The Original smiled and embraced his brother, "13 years, you don't look a day over a thousand. How do you do it, Niklaus?"

"God, I've missed you." Klaus said as he happily returned the hug. Elijah tuned to the hunter and nodded at Wolfgang, "You remain as unattractive as ever, Herr Nachtstern."

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