Chapter 48 - 'Chicago Is My City.'

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A/N - Above is an image of Nachtstern Manor in Chicago.

Wolfgang sighed as he walked the streets of Chicago, feeling very much at home in the city.

The vampire stopped as he came to the end of the street, seeing the large building that dominated the road.

From the outside, the building appeared to be abandoned, with graffiti on the outside and a large sign that read 'condemned'. Wolfgang knew, however, that the building was the single most important location in the city.

The hunter walked towards the entrance and passed through the doorless threshold. He immediately felt the presence of magic, alongside the lingering scent of werewolves.

"Home, sweet home." Wolfgang mused as he entered a large hall. In the centre of the room, there was a grand table, carved from dark oak with ten seats spaced around it.

"You shouldn't be here, this building is condemned." A man called out, approaching Wolfgang. The vampire smiled.

"You're a Moore, I assume?"

"Sylvester Moore at your service." The man replied. Wolfgang nodded and gestured around the hall.

"As I recall, the banners were different." Wolfgang stated and Sylvester smiled, "It's been this way for a while."

Wolfgang glanced around the room and eventually sat at the head of the table. Sylvester observed him before looking at the painting behind Wolfgang.

"Oh, my God." Sylvester exclaimed and Wolfgang smirked as the man recognised who he was.

"How is my city?" Wolfgang asked and Sylvester sighed, his eyes wide as he still tried to comprehend who was in front of him.

"It's fine. The factions keep to themselves, The Council maintains peace." Sylvester eventually replied, shaking his head to dispel his shock. Wolfgang nodded and Sylvester gulped.

"He won't like this, you being back in town." Sylvester said and Wolfgang shook his head, "He doesn't need to know I'm here."

"Isaac knows. He knew the moment you set foot in Chicago." Sylvester replied, "He watches Nachtstern Manor. Hell, if he had his way, he would've torn it down."

"Is that so?" Wolfgang questioned, tilting his head curiously and Sylvester nodded, "What are you going to do?"

Wolfgang smirked as he rose, adjusting his suit jacket and buttoning it before straightening his tie.

"I'm going to pay this false king a visit."


The Underworld Casino And Club was the centre of Chicago's vampire faction. All business to do with the bloodsuckers was run out of the club. A bouncer pulled Wolfgang aside as he approached the entrance to the club. The bouncer shook his head and pointed at the sign.

"This club is exclusive."

"I think Mr Mathews will want to see me." Wolfgang replied, pointing at the windrose star on the sign, "Especially because that's my symbol on that sign."

The bouncer gulped and glanced at the Nachtstern Star before looking back at Wolfgang reverently.

"I...I apologise, Herr Nachtstern." The bouncer said, "Mr Mathews is in the lounge." The heavy-set man moved to the side, opening the door for Wolfgang in clear reverence.

Wolfgang nodded before he walked into the club. The ground floor was a pristine white, complimented with marble.

The ground floor was an entry, reception and cafe. The basement had been concerted into a nightclub, where most of the visitors were heading. The first floor was the casino, where the city's most prestigious members gambled away their wealth.

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