Chapter 30 - 'Could You Pass The Wine? It's Right Next To The Deceit.'

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Wolfgang looked at the sketch he had made, following the shape of the face his own hands had drawn.

It wasn't often that Wolfgang did anything artistic. Although he was a decent artist, he was nowhere near Klaus' skill. But tonight the nightmares had been worse.

That was why Wolfgang had found himself taking a shower, putting on jogging bottoms and then sat at his desk shirtless, with a pencil in hand as he drew the woman in his nightmares.

Wolfgang closed the sketchbook with a definitive slam. Now was not the time for him to focus on Katerina Petrova.

Wordlessly, Wolfgang opened the safe in his office, hidden behind a portrait of himself. He withdrew a wooden chest and opened it, seeing within a bracelet decorated with Lapis Lazuli and two engagement rings.

With a wistful sigh, Wolfgang closed the box and put it in the safe alongside the sketchbook. He locked it and moved to return to his bedroom.


Walking through the door of his bedroom, Wolfgang headed straight to the wardrobe, pulled it aside and walked into his actual closet.

He changed into a pair of black suit trousers, buckling his belt after he had pulled it up. A red shirt slipped over his shoulders and around his body. Wolfgang swiftly buttoned it all the way and turned up his collar. Grabbing a black silk tie, Wolfgang's expert fingers knotted it and neatened his collar.

With himself mostly dressed, Wolfgang grabbed his comb, a hairbrush and the styling clay before beginning the long process of getting his hair to it's usual perfection.

Once that was finished, Wolfgang secured the cuffs of his shirt with silver cufflinks, snapping the small pieces of metal into the shirt. Wolfgang slipped the matching suit jacket onto his body and did up one of it's buttons before clasping a watch onto his left wrist.

Now looking like absolute perfection, Wolfgang left the room and moved to his living room where he was met by Nathaniel.

The sight of his sireling pulled Wolfgang back to the visions Alexis had shown them. Sure enough, just as the psychic had shown him, Nathaniel stood holding Darke as he took in the sword reverently.

Wolfgang reacted instantly. Moving at vampire speed, Wolfgang pushed Nathaniel back, took Darke and locked it back in the safe.

"Get out." Wolfgang said coldly. Nathaniel noticed the cold and calculated tone and wordlessly got up and walked out.


The atmosphere in the Compound was tense when Wolfgang entered. Elijah stood in the courtyard while Klaus and Aurora overlooked them on the landing.

"So, you're fornicating with the she-devil who has our sister?" Elijah questioned, unamused by Klaus' antics.

"Aurora has Rebekah, was anyone going to tell me this?" Wolfgang asked. Aurora smiled and walked over to Wolfgang, who smirked at her.

"I'm not going to harm Rebekah. I was just ensuring the safety of my sire." Aurora replied. Wolfgang kissed her on the cheek as the barely dressed redhead walked out.

"Why are you sleeping with the enemy, Niklaus?" Elijah asked, needing an explanation. Klaus smiled and walked over to his brother, "I'm not the only one sleeping with her, aren't I, Wolfgang? Besides, I'm doing it to coerce Rebekah's location from her."

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