Chapter 46 - 'Welcome Back To The Land Of The Living.'

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Five Years Later -

Malibu -

The auburn-haired woman groaned as Wolfgang's lips found her neck, biting down on her pulse point and eliciting a moan as his hand delved between her legs.

The pair was interrupted by a loud knocking resounding around the house and the vampire let go of the woman he was ravaging.

"Can someone get that?" Wolfgang shouted at the party guests. However, the strangers were all too drunk or high to realise that someone was at the door.

Wolfgang let out a groan and walked to the door, grabbing the plate of brownies as he opened it.

"Marcel." Wolfgang greeted, holding  the plate out to the Enhanced Original, "Have a brownie."

"I'm good." Marcel replied, walking into the house and pausing at the sight of all the people inside the house, most of whom were in various states of undress.

"Hey, guys!" Wolfgang called out, drawing the attention of the crowd, "This is Marcel."

"Hey, Marcel!" The party-goers greeted. Lyndsey, the auburn-haired beauty Wolfgang was in the middle of having sex with, lifted up her top and flashed at Marcel and the vampire turned to Wolfgang.

"Lyndsey, dear, put your clothes on. Marcel's a prude." Wolfgang shouted and Lyndsey put her top back on, covering her breasts.

"I'm not a prude." Marcel defended, "Hey, man, I need your help with some vampires."

"You're not as much of a prude as...." Wolfgang trailed off when he was about to mention Elijah, but thought better of it, "Some other people but you are still a prude. And, the vampires aren't my problem." Wolfgang said instead as he held out the plate again, "Have a brownie."

"What's in it?" Marcel questioned and Wolfgang smirked as Lyndsey joined the two, her hands roaming the hunter's chest beneath his unbuttoned shirt.

"Marijuana." Wolfgang replied before he gave Lyndsey an open-mouthed kiss, his free hand cupping the woman's rear.

"Are you going to help me with Alistair Dunesque or not?" Marcel questioned, impatient and Wolfgang let out a groan as Lyndsey's hand disappeared beneath the waistband of his jeans.

"Nope." Wolfgang said, popping the 'p', "New Orleans problems aren't my problems anymore."

"At least come and show everyone I'm still in control for the Anniversary."

"Oh, you mean the day where you parade Klaus around like a circus animal? I'll pass." Wolfgang said before he put the plate of brownies on a table and turned to Lyndsey.

"Now, Marcel, I'm going to give you a choice." Wolfgang said, "You can stay and have a good time, or, you can leave and be miserable."

"So, you're not helping?" Marcel asked and Wolfgang shook his head, "No, I am going to take Lyndsey and her friend, James?"

"Jimmy." Lyndsey confirmed as the man in question joined them and attached himself to the other side of Wolfgang, his hand joining Lyndsey's in his pants.

"I'm taking Lyndsey and James back to my bedroom for some fun. You're welcome to stay. Choice is yours." Wolfgang continued before he walked off with the two women, dragging Lyndsey by the hand as he made out with James, who he was carrying as he wrapped himself around his body.


Wolfgang walked up to the house, taking in the simple home. He was interrupted by the sight of a young girl, no more than seven or eight, sat outside, painting.

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