Chapter 51 - 'I Decide Who Lives And Who Dies.'

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Warning - This chapter contains descriptions of graphic violence. If that isn't your thing, then skip the scene marked with the '[_]' symbol.

Charlotte watched as the woman walked through the hallways of Nachtstern Manor, her dress ripped, her blonde hair dishevelled and heels in hand. Wolfgang followed her to the door and Charlotte crossed her arms as her brother kissed the stranger goodbye and watched her walk away.

"Entertaining whores, are we?" Charlotte asked as she approached the hunter. Wolfgang turned to her and sighed.

"Grace isn't a whore, Charlie." Wolfgang defended and the blonde shook her head, "You met her last week and have been entertaining her every night since."

"So?" Wolfgang asked, crossing his arms as he met his sister's stare, "We're just two adults having fun."

Charlotte huffed and shook her head at her brother's antics, "You have a suit fitting today. Don't be late."

"Please, Charlie." Wolfgang replied, "A king is never late, everyone else is simply early."

"Did you just quote The Princess Diaries?" Charlotte asked and Wolfgang smiled as he walked away.


Wolfgang stood before the mirror as the tailor moved around him. The vampire watched on as adjustments to the tuxedo was made and it was molded to his body.

Adrian let out a low whistle as David left the changing room, having put on his tuxedo. David sighed and looked over at Wolfgang.

"Damn." The vampire muttered at the sight of his sire, "I'm pretty sure you aren't allowed to out-dress the groom."

"Well, it's not my fault I wear a suit better than everyone else." Wolfgang defended and Nathaniel sighed as he watched the group.

"Are we really going to argue about that now?" Nathaniel questioned, "When Isaac is baying for our blood."

"Why would Isaac attack us?" Wolfgang replied and nathaniel scoffed, "Maybe because you executed all of his allies and murdered his lover?"

"That's just business." Wolfgang answered and Nathaniel shook his head, "We should deal with Isaac first then have the wedding."

"One step at a time." Adrian replied and Nathaniel sat back with a sigh. Just then, a group of around twelve men entered the tailor shop and stood threateningly at the entrance.

"Wolfgang Nachtstern?" One of them asked and Wolfgang stepped forwards, facing them without fear.

"That's me."

"I have a message for you." The man continued before the group pulled out several guns, "From Isaac Mathews."

The henchmen all let loose, firing in the large shop as the Nachtstern extended family dived for cover.

Wolfgang grabbed a pair of scissors from a fallen tailor and stabbed an assailant, embedding it into his throat. The man let out a choking sound before dropping to the floor, clutching at his neck.

Adrian and Nathaniel pulled out guns that Wolfgang didn't know they were carrying and exchanged fire.

Wolfgang stood up and straightened himself out, grabbing a coat hangar from the floor and snapping one end off. He stabbed it into the chest of one enemy and wrenched it out. The hunter flipped it over and launched it at another as the group slowly ran out of ammunition

The humans were reduced down to five, having been picked off by the vampires as they fought.

Without the advantage of long range weaponry, enhanced by their use of wooden bullets, the tide turned against the lackeys.

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