Chapter 47 - 'I Don't Break My Word.'

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A pile of corpses lay on the ground as Elijah sat on a log and had the body of a prison guard on his lap. Wolfgang stood to the side, draining his own victim.

"Good lord, that one has some lungs on him." Rebekah mused as Kol toyed with his victim in the woods, "He should've been an opera singer. Might've ended better for him, actually."

"Is this absolutely necessary?" Freya asked as Wolfgang's victim gave out and his head detached from his body due to the force of the feed.

"That depends. Do you want us at our full strength, or do you plan on rescuing Nik on your own?"

"Well, death rattles are distracting, and I'm trying to break a cloaking spell." Freya replied and Wolfgang sighed.

"Kol, would you please?" Wolfgang shouted and the screaming stopped. Elijah rolled his eyes and stood up, "Thank you. You were saying?"

"I can sense Klaus is still in New Orleans. Most likely somewhere underground. I can't get a read on exactly where, unless I'm in the city itself."

"He's somewhere near the Mikaelson Compound." Wolfgang told them, "At least he was two years ago."

Kol came back from his feeding as he joined them.

"Yeah. That's gonna be a problem. I have contacts in New Orleans. As you can imagine, the place is crawling with vampires, all of whom hate all of us. Whatever we do, we need to do it fast." Hayley said and Freya shook her head.

"Well, I wasn't planning on a pub crawl. I don't want to stay any longer than we have to. But we need to go."

"Whoa. Wait, wait, we're not doing this today?" Kol asked and Rebekah nodded, "Hasn't Nik suffered enough?"

"Yes. And I've died. Twice. I'm not about to give Marcel a shot at a third. Now, I say, we draw that muppet out of town. And when he's gone..."

"I have been away from my daughter long enough. If you're afraid..." Hayley retorted but Kol cut her off.

"It's called being sensible. Until Freya can make enough cure with her werewolf hostage, Marcel can basically chew through our bloody throats."

"Enough. We're all in danger." Elijah said ashe walked forwards and Wolfgang nodded.

"We free Klaus today. Even if we have to burn that city to the ground."


Josh pushed Eddie to the door, "Um... I will text you. Okay? I promise."

He closed the door and turned to the staircase, "Well, thanks for waiting and not just, you know, killing him."

Elijah and Rebekah walked downstairs and Wolfgang appeared behind Josh.

"We're only monsters by necessity, Joshua." Elijah said and Wolfgang shook his head, "Apart from me, I'm a monster for the fun of it."

"Besides, we just ate." Rebekah added and Josh sighed, "Oh, that's too bad. I was gonna offer you some 'welcome back' waffles."

"Was that your boyfriend?" Rebekah asked, "He seems sweet. And terribly vulnerable, as humans tend to be."

"Okay. Look, just tell me what you want and let's get this over with." Josh pleaded and Wolfgang sighed before Rebekah spoke up, ignoring Josh.

"I can distract Marcel, Elijah. I'm the only one he won't kill on sight."

"Don't talk about some ludicrous diversion. You're walking into a lion's den." Wolfgang pointed out and Rebekah shook her head, "I'll be fine. I just have to convince him that I've come alone, and all I want to do is talk."

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