Simon Said

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Dean and Ellie are getting ready to hit the road while Sam is in the bathroom.
"He's been in there a while what the hell is he doing?" Ellie asks, Dean shrugs his shoulders, he goes over to the bathroom. 
"Sam, come on, zip it up. Let's hit the..." Dean pauses and sees Sam in a worried state with wide eyes. "...road. What?" Dean asks. Ellie walks over to them and sees Sam, breathing heavily and blinking. 


Dean is driving the Impala while Sam is in the passenger seat looking worried. Ellie looks over at Sam, confused. Sam explained to them he had a vision of someone dying in front of a truck who seemed to be hypnotised. 
"I don't know Sam, why don't we just chill out, think about this." Dean says, glancing at his brother. Sam shuts off the radio. 
"What's there to think about?" Sam asks him. 
"I just don't know if going to the Roadhouse is the smartest idea." Dean tells him.
"Dean, it's another premonition. I know it. This is gonna happen, and Ash can tell us where." Sam says.
"Yeah, man, but..." Dean fumbles over his words. 
"Plus it could have some connection with the demon. My visions always do." 
"That's my point. There's gonna be hunters there. I don't know if, if, if going in and announcing that you're some supernatural freak with a, a demonic connection is the best thing, okay?" Dean says, Ellie tuts and smacks his arm. 
"So I'm a freak now?" Sam says offended. Dean slaps Sam on the thigh. 
"You've always been a freak." Dean tells him as he smiles weakly and turns back to the road.
"Don't worry Sammy, I am too." Ellie smiles as she ruffles his hair, Sam scoffs at this smiling a little. 


The three Winchesters enter the roadhouse, passing two men at a table cleaning weapons. Dean almost runs into Jo, who stops, smiling. 
"Just can't stay away, huh?" Jo flirts. 
"Yeah, looks like. How you doing, Jo?" Dean asks. Ellie walks next to his brother, smiling at the blonde waitress, while Sam walks up hurried.
"In his back room." Jo answers. Sam brushes past her.
"Great." He states as he walks off. 
"And I'm fine..." Jo says, Ellie smiles apologetically at her and follows her brother giving Ellen a wave as she goes past. 
"Sorry, he's, we're... kind of on a bit of a timetable." Dean explains.

Sam and Ellie approaches a rough wooden door with a sign hanging on it that reads: DR BADASS IS: IN.
"Ash? Hey, Ash?" Sam knocks on the door. 
"Hey, Dr. Badass?" Ellie says also knocking. The door is unlatched and opened a crack to reveal Ash, who is naked. Ellie gasps and Dean puts a hand over Ellie's eyes while averting his own. 
"Sam? Dean? Ellie? Sam, Dean and Ellie." Ash pants. 
"Hey Ash. Um. We need your help." Sam tells him.
"Well, hell then. Guess I need my pants." Ash says as he shuts the door; Dean removes his hand from Ellie's eyes and they all exchange a look. They walk back over the main room of the roadhouse. 

A few minutes later, Ash is sitting at a table with his laptop open, looking at the hand-drawn sketch of the bus logo that hit the man in Sam's vision. Sam sits across from Ash; while Dean and Ellie stand behind. 
"Well, I got a match. It's the logo from the Blue Ridge bus lines in Guthrie, Oklahoma." Ash tells them.
"Okay. Do me a favour - check Guthrie for any demonic signs, or omens, or anything like that." Sam asks.
"You think the demon's there?" Ash questions eyeing the three Winchesters. 
"Yeah, maybe." Ellie answers.
"Why would you think that?" Ash says. 
"Just check it, all right?" Dean snaps. Ellie and Sam frown at each other while Ash gives him a look.
"No, sir, nothing. No, demon." Ash answers.
"All right, try something else for me. Search Guthrie for a house fire. It would be 1983, fire's origin would be a child's bedroom, night of the kid's 30 month birthday." Sam says, Ash looks at him, startled, Dean and Ellie look around for any eavesdroppers. Jo, cleaning a table nearby, is watching them. 
"Okay, now that is just weird, man. Why the hell would I be looking for that." Ash eyes Sam, Ellie pulls out a beer bottle and sets it next to the laptop. 
"'Cause there's a PBR in it for ya." Ellie tells him, Sam smiles at his sister.
"Give me 15 minutes." Ash says. 

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