In My Time of Dying

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The possessed truck driver steps out of his truck and walks over, he sees John, Dean and Ellie unconscious in the car and then looks at Sam who swallows, barely awake. The demon pulls the driver's side door off its hinges and Sam points the colt at him.
"Back. Or I'll kill you. I swear to God." Sam threatens.
"You won't. You're saving that bullet for someone else." The demon smiles. Sam cocks the gun still pointing it at the demon.
"You wanna bet?" Sam tells him, the demon smiles, black smoke then pours out of the man, who collapses. Sam uncocks the gun, dropping his head back in relief. The driver stands up in horror.
"Oh my god!" The man shouts. 
"Dad?" Sam asks, trying to look at his father.
"Did I do this?" The man looks at the crash before him. Dean's eyes flutter open.
"Sammy, you okay?" Dean groans.
"Yeah. Dean. I'm okay." Sam says. Dean looks at Ellie who is sprawled out in her lap barely breathing.
"Ellie?!" Dean shouts.
"Ellie!" Sam also shouts. 

A rescue helicopter descends to the site and all four are being loaded onto stretchers, John and Ellie are still unconscious. Sam and Dean are awake, the paramedics gets Ellie onto a stretcher.
"Significant passenger side intrusion. Unresponsive. BP is over 180 over 60, heart rate 95." The paramedic shouts. 
"Tell me if she is okay!" Dean shouts.
"Are they even still alive?" Sam also shouts.
"You have to stay still!" The paramedic tells them. 


Ellie sits up, works his jaw, gets out of bed. She is wearing a white t-shirt and blue hospital pants, and nothing else. She looks down at these clothes and groans.
"Oh wow, at least I look good." She says sarcastically to herself.
"Sam? Dean? Dad?" Ellie calls as she goes into the hall way. She starts walking through the hospital and goes down the stairs and finds a nurse's station.
"Excuse me. Hi. I, uh I think I was in a car accident, my dad and my brothers. I just need to find them." Ellie says, the nurse remains unresponsive. "Hello?" She says, snapping her fingers. She goes back upstairs, panicked and she goes back to her room and sees her own body on the bed, incubated and dying. Ellie's mouth drops in shock. 
"Crap." Ellie says to herself. Ellie turns around and sees Sam and Dean enter. Ellie breathes out in relief, they stop at the door and stares at their sister's body, both of them breathing heavily.  
"Oh, no." Sam and Dean say at the same time. 
"Oh guys! You both look good. Considering." Ellie says breathing out. "Oh please tell me you can hear me." Ellie whines. "How's Dad? Is he okay?" Ellie asks, she turns to Sam. "Come on, you're the psychic. Give me some ghost whispering or something!" A doctor enters the room, Sam and Dean turn.
"Your father's awake. You can go see him if you like." The doctor says, Ellie takes a breath out. 
"Thank God." Dean says, relieved. Sam stays quiet.
"Doc, what about our sister?" Sam asks.
"Well she sustained serious injury: blood loss, contusions to her liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I'm worried about. There's early signs of cerebral edema." The doctor tells them.
"Well, what can we do?" Dean asks, worry laced into his voice. 
"Well, we won't know his full condition until she wakes up. If she wakes up." The doctor says.
"If?" Sam questions.
"I have to be honest - most people with this degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. He's fighting very hard. But you need to have realistic expectations." The doctor warns them both. Dean looks at the doctor angrily.
"Wow, you're a positive guy then." Ellie says with wide eyes. 
"Screw you doc, she's waking up." Dean snaps. Ellie laughs lightly as her brother's words, while Sam hits Dean on the arm. Sam and Dean leave Ellie's room with Dean looking back at his little sister's body, Ellie sees the pain on his face and goes to touch his shoulder but she goes right through him.
"Damn it, I keep forgetting I'm ghosting it." Ellie says to herself.

Ellie follows his brother's to John's bed, she smiles in relief to see her dad is okay. Dean rushes to his side.
"How are you feeling Dad?" Dean asks. Ellie goes over and stands behind Dean. 
"I'm okay. Just gotta keep this arm in a sling for a couple of weeks and then we will be right as rain." John reassures his son. John awkwardly one-handed, he pulls something out of his wallet.
"Here. Give them my insurance." John tells Sam. Sam takes the card John gives him, smiling as he reads it.
"Elroy McGillicutty?" Sam asks as Dean chuckles.
"And his three loving children. So what else did the doctor say about Ellie?" John asks, clear worry painted onto his face. Dean and Sam's smiles drop.
"Nothing. Look. The doctors won't do anything, then we will have to." Sam says, Dean nods.
"Yeah, we will find some hoodoo priest and lay some mojo on her." Dean adds.
"We'll look for someone." John tells his sons. "But boys, I don't know if we're gonna find anyone." 
"Why not? We fount that faith healer before." Dean tells him.
"All right, that was, that was one in a million." John explains.
"So what? Do we just sit here with our thumbs up our ass?" Sam says angrily.
"Sam-" Dean starts, Ellie rolls her eyes. 
"No, I said we'd look. All right? I'll check under every stone." John tells them, there's a slight pause as Ellie looks at the three boys. "Where's the colt?" John asks, Sam looks at him angrily, Dean sighs. 
"Your daughter is dying, and you're worried about the colt?" Sam asks. Dean looks between his dad and his brother. 
"We're hunting this demon, and maybe it's hunting us too. That gun may be our only card." John explains. 
"It's in the trunk. They dragged the car to a yard off of I-83." Dean explains.
"All right. You've gotta clean out that trunk before some junk man sees what's inside." John tells them.
"I already called Bobby. He's like an hour out, he's gonna tow the Impala back to his place." Sam says. 
"All right. You two, go meet up with Bobby, you get that colt and bring it back to me. You two need to watch out for hospital security." John orders them.
"I think we've got it covered." Dean says to his dad. They get up to leave; John stops them, picking up a sheet of paper. 
"Hey. Here. I made a list of things I need, have Bobby pick them up for me." John passes Sam the list.
"Acacia? Oil of Abramelin? What's this stuff for?" Sam asks, reading the list. 
"Protection." John answers. They go to leave and Sam turns around. 
"Hey, Dad? You know, the demon, he said he had plans for me, and children like me. Do you have any idea what he meant by that?" Sam asks. 
"No I don't" John says clearly lying. Sam turns around while Dean looks at his dad, knowing also that he is lying. He also turns to follow Sam, shutting the door. Ellie leans on the wall looking at John.
"Well, you sure know something." Ellie points out. Ellie watches her father lie back on his bed, deep in thought. "What are you plotting, Dad?" Ellie looks at John, he slowly stands up and walks out of the room, Ellie follows behind and watches him go into her room. John stops at the door and takes a deep breath in, looking at Ellie on her bed, eyes closed with a tube in her mouth and cuts all over her face. Ellie looks at her dad as he looks down at her broken body, she can see the hurt on his face but there is also an emotion that she can't quite place. John sits down next to her, Ellie leans against the wall refusing to look at herself on that bed. They sit there for at least an hour, Ellie gets frustrated and throws her hands in the air.
"Come on, Dad. You've gotta help me. I've gotta get better, I've gotta get back in there. I mean, you haven't called a soul for help. You haven't even tried. Aren't you going to do anything? Aren't you even going to say anything?" Ellie says angrily. "I do everything you ask, I try to walk in Mom's footsteps, look after my boys. And you're just going to sit there and you're going to watch me die?" Ellie asks with tears in her eyes. She then hears something. "What is that?" Ellie asks herself, she goes into the hallway and a spirit whooshes past him, she jumps back. She looks back at John, "I take it you didn't see that.." Ellie states nervously. Ellie stalks the spirit down the hallways, she sees it go into a back hallway where a woman is lying on the floor, choking. Ellie rushes up to her.
"Help! Help!" The woman tries to scream.
"Hey! I need some help in here!" Ellie shouts. 
"I can't... breathe!" The woman pants loudly, trying desperate to breathe, then goes silent. Ellie leans over her, looking helpless. 

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