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The three Winchesters are in the Impala, Ellie tapping along to the music in the back, Dean driving and Sam asleep shotgun. Sam suddenly jerks awake, Ellie looks at Dean concerned, who in turn looks at Sam. "You okay?" Ellie asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam says. Dean looks at Sam.
"Another nightmare?" Dean asks as Sam clears his throat. "You wanna drive for a while?" Sam laughs at his brother's question while Ellie gasps.
"Dean, your whole life you never once asked me that." Sam smiles.
"I have never even driven the car! Apart from when Dad taught me! Not once properly! Surely it's my turn." Ellie says angrily. Dean looks at Ellie in the mirror, "As I said before, Ellie you can drive when hell freezes over." Ellie sticks her tongue out and sits back in the car.
"Look, guys, you're worried about me." Sam reassures the two siblings. "I get it, and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay." Dean unconvinced by what his brother is saying just nods. Ellie is studying Sam closely knowing he is lying. Sam grabs a map.
"All right, where are we?"
"We are just outside of Grand Junction." Sam folds the map.
"You know what? Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon." Sam says, Ellie leans forward, putting her hand on his shoulder.
"Sam, we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. If you wanna find the thing that killed Jessica-" Ellie says to Sam. Sam finishes off Ellie's sentence. "We gotta find Dad first."
"Dad disappearing - and this thing showing up again after twenty years, it's no coincidence. Dad will have answers. He'll know what to do." Dean says.
"It's weird, man. These coordinates he left us. This Blackwater Ridge." Sam says confused.
"What about it?" Ellie asks. Sam puts down the map.
"Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere." Sam asks the two siblings.


The Impala is parked next to the station. They all get out of the car. Sam looks at the map of the forest.
"So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote. It's cut off by these canyons here, rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place." Sam tells Dean and Ellie.
Dean is looking at a framed photo of a man standing behind a much larger bear, "Guys, check out the size of this freaking bear." Ellie laughs at her brother and they come to stand next to Dean.
"And a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. It's no nature hike, that's for sure." A forest ranger then walks up behind them, he speaks causing all three Winchesters to turn around startled.
"You three aren't planning on going out near Blackwater Ridge by any chance?" He asks them.
"Oh, no, sir, we're environmental study majors from UC Boulder, just working on a paper." Sam laughs a little, while Dean nods and Ellie holds up a fist, "Recycle, man." Sam and Dean's eyes flick to Ellie, but she doesn't move.
"Bull. You're friends with that Haley girl, right?" Dean considers. "Yes, yes we are, Ranger.. Wilkinson."
"Well I will tell you exactly what we told her. Her brother filled out a back country permit saying he wouldn't be back from Blackwater until the 24th, so it's not exactly a missing persons now, is it?" The three shook their heads in response. "You tell that girl to quit worrying. I'm sure her brother is just fine."
"We will. Well that Haley girl's quite a pistol, huh?" Dean says.
"That's putting it lightly" The Ranger breathes out.
"Actually you know what would help is if I could show her a copy of that back country permit. You know, so she could see her brother's return date." Ellie asks innocently smiling, as the Ranger eyes the three.


Dean holds the piece of paper, triumphantly walking out of the station. Sam has an unreadable expression on his face.
"What, are you looking for a hookup or something?" Sam asks Dean in an angry tone, Ellie eyes Sam trying to understand where this is all coming from.
"What do you mean?" Dean asks confused.
"The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge, so what are we waiting for? Let's just go find Dad. I mean why even talk to this girl?" Sam walks around the Impala to the passenger side while Dean and Ellie are on the opposite side. Dean and Ellie look at each other.
"I don't know, maybe we should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it?" Dean tells Sam, Ellie looks at Sam and then at Dean. Sam notices this and looks at Ellie.
"Since when are you all shoot first ask questions later, anyway?" Ellie queries.
"Since now." Sam states while getting in the car. Ellie and Dean look at each other.
"Really?" They question in unison as they both get in the car.

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