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Sam, Dean and Ellie get out of the Impala and Dean removes three tasers.
"What do you got those amped up to?" Ellie asks.
"A hundred thousand volts." Dean tells her.
"Damn." Sam says with wide eyes.
"Yeah. I want this rawhead extra fricking crispy. And remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count." Dean tells his younger siblings. They run to the house and head down to the basement with their guns and flashlights. Hearing a noise, they all move toward a cupboard.
"On three. One. Two. Three." Dean whispers. Dean swings the door open, a young boy and girl are crouched inside, covering their ears.
"Is it still here?" Sam whispers, they nod. Ellie looks at the boy.
"Ok. Grab your sister's hand, come on, we gotta get you out of here. Let's go, let's go." Ellie tells them as they all move towards the stairs. "Alright, go!" Sam picks up the children but a hand grabs his legs, knocking him back down. The children scream and run to the top of the stairs.
"Sam!" Dean shouts and shoots the taser but misses.
"Sam, get them outta here!" Ellie shouts as she tries to find the rawhead. Sam throws his taser to Dean who misses it, as he reaches down to grab it the rawhead comes up and knocks Dean backwards and rendering him unconscious in the corner. Ellie flashes her torch trying to see it again, suddenly it leaps up and shoves Ellie backwards. Ellie loses her flashlight and taser as she falls. She glances around, scrambles across puddles of water to grab the taser and releases it toward the creature as it moves towards her, electrocuting it. Electricity moves from the creature through the through the water lying on the ground to Ellie. Dean looks up as this happens and sees Ellie and the rawhead shake and twitch, the creature falls and Ellie loses consciousness. Sam runs down the stairs as Dean stands up and they both see Ellie in the corner, unmoving.
"Ellie!" They shout. They run over to her, and Sam half lifts her, holding her face.
"Ellie. Hey, hey."


Sam and Dean stand at the desk with a receptionist.
"Sir, I'm so sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file." Sam and Dean look at each other.
"Right, uh ok." Sam says as he removes a card from his wallet and hands it to reception.
"Okay, Mr. Burkovitz." Sam and Dean see two cops waiting and they walk over.
"Look we can finish this later." The cop says sympathetically.
"No, no, it's okay. We were just taking a shortcut through the neighbourhood. And, um, the windows were rolled down, we heard some screaming when we drove past the house, and we stopped. Ran in." Sam explains as Dean stays silent, not looking at the cops and only at the ground.
"And you found the kids in the basement?"
"Yeah." Sam says.
"Well thank God you did." The cop says as Sam sees a doctor walking towards them. Sam nudges Dean and he looks up, he hurries over to the doctor with Sam following close behind.
"Hey, is she..." Dean starts.
"She's resting."
"And?" Sam asks anxiously.
"The electrocution triggered a heart attack. Pretty massive, I'm afraid. Her heart... it's damaged." The doctor explains.
"How damaged?" Dean asks with worry written all over his face.
"We've done all we can. We can try and keep her comfortable at this point. But, I'd give her a couple weeks, at most, maybe a month." The doctor says, Dean walks away, with his head in his hands.
"No, no. There's, there's gotta be something you can do, some kind of treatment."
"We can't work miracles. I really am sorry." The doctor says, Sam walks away, looking upset.


Sam goes out to find Dean sitting on the steps besides the entrance to the hospital.
"Dean." He doesn't look up. Sam sits next to him.
"You know, even when she was young she was always able to make me smile even if I really didn't want to. She'd tell a stupid joke or just do something." Dean says.
"Do you remember that time for her 6th birthday we got her that Scooby Doo costume and she refused to take it off, but the first time she put it on, we all laughed and laughed, even Dad was laughing hard." Sam says.
"I can't let her die, Sammy." Dean says holding back the tears.
"She isn't going to die. But right now, she needs us. So, let's go see her and save our little sister." Sam tells Dean firmly.

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