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Sam, Dean and Ellie step out of the car all dressed as employees of the alarm system company. Dean gets a toolbox from the trunk of the car, and they proceed towards the apartment.
"All right, this is the place." Ellie tells them.
"You know, I've gotta say Dad, Ellie and me did just fine without these stupid costumes. I feel like a high school drama dork." Dean smiles. "What was that play that you two did together? What was it - Our Town. Yeah, you two were good, it was cute." Dean tells them, they rolls their eyes.
"Look, you wanna pull this off or not?" Sam says.
"I'm just saying, these outfits cost hard-earned money, okay?" Dean tells them. Ellie looks confused.
"Ours. You think credit card fraud is easy?" Dean says, Ellie laughs at this. They go into the apartment block and explain to the landlady that they need to check on an alarm that went off in an apartment where the lady was killed, by an unknown entity. They go up to the apartment.
"Thanks for letting us look around." Sam says.
"Well, the police said they were done with the place, so..." The landlady and Sam enter the apartment and Dean and Ellie follow, Dean shuts the door behind him and nudges Ellie pointing to the chain on the door is broken. In the living room, spots of blood cover the carpet. "You guys said you were with the alarm company?"
"That's right." Ellie says.
"Well, no offense, but your alarm's about as useful as boobs on a man." The landlady says, the three Winchesters looks at each other, Ellie stifles a laugh.
"Well, that's why we're here. To see what went wrong and stop it from happening in the future." Dean explains.
"No, ma'am, you found the body?" Sam asks. 
"Right after it happened?" Sam continues.
"No. Few days later. Meredith's work called - she hadn't shown up. I knocked on the door. That's when I noticed the smell."
"Any windows open? Any sign of break-in?" Ellie asks.
"No, windows were locked, front door was bolted. Chain was on the door, we had to cut it just to get in." Ellie and Dean glance at each other.
"And the alarm was still on?" Dean questions.
"Like I said, bang up job your company's doing." 
"Mmm. You see any overturned furniture, broken glass, signs of struggle?" Dean carries on.
"Everything was in perfect condition - except Meredith."
"And what condition was Meredith in?" Ellie asks softly.
"Meredith was all over. In pieces. The guy who killed her must have been some kind of a whackjob. But I tell you, if I didn't know any better, I'd have said a wild animal did it." Dean looks at Sam and Ellie. 
"Ma'am do you mind if we take some time? Give this place a once-over?" Sam asks. 
"Oh, well, go right ahead. Knock yourself out." The landlady leaves them to it. Dean opens his toolbox and pulls out an EMF meter.
"So, a killer walks in and out of the apartment - no weapons, no prints, nothing." Dean states.
"I'm telling you, the moment I found that article, I knew this was our kind of gig." Sam says, then the EMF meter beeps frantically.
"I think I agree with you." Ellie says to Sam, Dean nods.
"So, you talked to the cops?" Ellie asks Dean
"Uh, yeah." Dean smirks, Ellie and Sam share a confused look. "I spoke to Amy, a, uh, charming, perky officer of the law." Dean tells them. Ellie rolls her eyes.
"Yeah? What'd you find out?" Sam asks.
"Well, she's a Sagittarius. She loves tequila, I mean wow. Oh, and she's got this little tattoo-"
"Dean! Little sister present!" Ellie exclaims. 
"What? Yeah. Uh, nothing we don't already know. Except for one thing they're keeping out of the papers." Dean tells them, they look confused. "Meredith's heart was missing." Sam and Ellie both look stunned.
"Her heart?" Sam questions. 
"Yeah. Her heart."
"So, what do you guys think did it to her?" Ellie asks.
"Well, the landlady said it looked like an animal attack. Maybe it was - werewolf?" Dean asks.
"No, no werewolf, the lunar cycle's not right. Plus, if it was a creature, it would've left some kind of trace. It's probably a spirit." Ellie says. Dean observes the blood on the carpet and seems to notice something.
"See if you can find any masking tape around."Dean tells them. Ellie looks around and finds tape and passes it to Dean, he uses the masking tape to connect each pool of blood. When is he done, the pieces of tape form an unusual symbol.
"Ever see that symbol before?" Ellie asks her brothers. They shake their heads.
"Never." Dean tells them.
"Me neither." Ellie says, they exchange a look. 

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