Chapter 15: A Rift

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*Roman POV*

I stay with Logan for most of the night, only leaving once he assured me he could handle himself for the night.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"This is the 14th time you've asked and the answer remains the same: yes," Logan says, "You need to sleep, you have a job to go to in the morning,"

"Ok," I say, "'Night, Lo,"

"Goodnight," He says.

I leave his room and the building and catch a bus back to Patton and I's apartment. Virgil's been staying with us for two days and I can't believe him. How could he do this to Logan? The first time I was mad at him was unjust, but this time isn't.

I enter the apartment to see Patton in the living room, on his computer. He closes it and smiles when he sees me come in.

"Hey, Ro! Where were you?" He asks.

"At Logan's," I say, "He's not doing too well,"

Patton's smile drops a bit.

"I see," He says, his demeanor suddenly colder.

"Uhm, so I'm going to go to bed now," I say.

"Ok," Patton says, "Love you, goodnight,"

"Love you too," I say.

I head into my room, very confused as to what just happened.


After filming the next day, I decide to ask Patton what's going on. He seems very cold if I even mention Logan's name.

"Patton, are you mad at Logan for something?" I ask.

He blinks.

"No, why would you think that?" He asks.

"You get upset anytime I mention his name," I say.

"I do? Well, I guess I am kinda upset with him," Patton admits, "He's putting Virge through so much pain and it hurts to see one of my kiddos upset,"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"He didn't tell you? Logan broke up with Virgil and got him kicked out. That's why he's living with us," Patton says.

Well, this is news.

"Uh, last I checked it was Virgil who broke up with Logan, and then he moved out and ghosted him," I say.

"That is not what happened!" Patton says, his voice rising.

"How can you be sure?" I counter.

"Because Virgil would never lie! He's not that kind of person!"

"Patton, what kind of person moves away and then only leave a note telling their boyfriend they're breaking up with them! And then completely ignores them!" I shout.

"He's upset, and his boyfriend is the reason he got kicked out!" Patton shouts back.

"A likely story! He's just covering up to get sympathy!"

"And it can't be the other way around?"

"We've known Logan since we were kids! We've known Virgil for a year, tops! So sorry if I believe my childhood best friend when he says he's heartbroken!"

"But that doesn't automatically mean Virge is lying! You need to give him a chance!"

"I did and this is what happened!"

"Well, the chances you give are bullcrap then," He says.

"They are not!" I protest.

"Are too! He deserves a real chance, why won't you even consider his side of the story?" Patton asks.

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