Bonus Chapter 4: Forever

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(Two years after series, Logan is 21 and Virgil is turning 20)

*Logan POV*

I'm working at my desk. I have some schoolwork, as well as work for my job, to complete. But I'm struggling to have my full focus on either.

I grab the small black box from behind my lamp. I open and close it multiple times, debating whether this is the right time. I quickly snap it shut and hide it behind my lamp when I hear a soft knock, followed by the doorknob turning.

"Virgil?" I ask.

"Hey," he says, "I-I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight," 

"Actually, I was about to ask you the same thing. But I will accept your offer," I say.

He smiles and shifts around from foot to foot. He's nervous about something.

"O-ok. Around 7?" he asks.

I nod.

"Sounds great," I say.

Once he leaves, I take out the box again. I asked Virgil's parents about it weeks ago, and they agreed that he'd love it. 

7 PM comes and I get on a nicer shirt and tie. Nothing too special, as I don't want him to suspect it.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

Virgil nods. He grabs a blanket and a basket.

"We're going on a picnic," he says.

"But it's past dinner and going to get dark soon," I say.

"Dessert," he explains.

I shrug and go along with it. It's October, so while it's dark sooner it isn't too cold outside. And tonight is a clear night sky, with lots of stars.

"Let's go," I say.


Virgil takes me to the beach, ironically the exact place I was planning on taking him, which is about an hour car ride from our apartment. Technically 48-56 minutes.

The moon has risen by the time we arrive and set up our stuff. Virgil brought cream puffs, or at least his attempt at some, for us.

"Hey- uh- Logan?" he asks.

"Yes?" I say.

"Will you- uh- face me for a second? You have some cream on your nose," he says.

I look at him and he boops me in the nose.

"Got it," he says.

I laugh.

*Virgil POV*

He laughs. God, his laugh is adorable. Everything about him is adorable. So why can't I just do it? I have the ring in my pocket. I cleared it with his sister. She even agreed that the ring, a black band with scattered blue dots, would be perfect for him.

"Did you hear Patton and Roman got engaged?" Logan asks.

I nod.

"Patton called me last week. He was over the moon about it," I say.

"Over the moon?" Logan asks.

"Really happy and excited," I clarify.

For someone so smart, it's funny how he doesn't know these phrases. 

A few minutes pass.

"Virgil, are you cold?" Logan asks, "You're shaking,"

I look down at my hands. They are trembling. But not because I'm cold.

"Y-yeah. Should we go for a walk?" I ask.

Logan looks at our surroundings, then nods. There's nobody out here tonight, seeing as it's October, the greatest and spookiest month of the year. But it's not that great for late nights at the beach.

He grabs my hand and pulls me up. I cling to him as we walk closer to the waves. Just far enough for them not to reach us.

"It's a beautiful night," Logan notes.

"Y-yeah," I say.

Just like him.

We walk together for a little while, just going in a circle. Or more of a back and forth line.

"So how's your job been?" I ask.

We don't really discuss our jobs with each other. He's doing some part-time coding for people, and I'm doing art commissions.

"Fairly good. It is a little more frustrating than most things, but that's to be expected," he says.

I nod.

"Yeah, I bet," I say.

After nearly 45 minutes of us just walking together, we go to sit back down. I pick up my half-eaten cream puff. I'm not nearly as good at baking as Patton, but I'd still say I'm decent. I didn't burn or undercook these, so that's something.

I'm so distracted with my thoughts, that for a minute I don't notice Logan digging through his bag for something. 

When I turn to face him, he's on one knee, with a black ring box open.

"Virgil Sanders, will you marry me?" Logan asks.

I let out a noise that's somewhere between a delighted squeal and a shocked screech. The ring is beautiful. A silver band with purple markings winding around it.

"Hell yes! I- wait- no-" I splutter.

This isn't how it's supposed to go! I had a plan!

Logan smile drops. But then I drop down to his knee, grabbing my small ring box out of my pocket.

"I was going to ask first. So- uh- Logan Perry, will you marry me?" I ask.

He grins.

"Of course, my love," he says.

We exchange rings and a kiss. Even after these few years, I still feel fireworks when we kiss. 

"So I'm guessing you're going to stick around then, huh?" I say.

"Like Crofter's on toast," Logan nods.

I grin. He is perfect in every single way.

"So how're we telling everyone else?" I ask.

"I say we see how long it takes to notice the rings," Logan says.

"Then we'll be waiting an eternity for Prince Oblivious to notice," I say.

"Then we'll just surprise him with the wedding," he suggests.

We sit back down and I lean on him.

"Sounds great," I say.

We sit together, in silence for a few more minutes, staring at the moon and listening to the waves. I can't believe it, but Logan and I will be together. Forever.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

I know this is a little shorter, but oh well. Also, does anyone have any anxiety calming suggestions? I'm kinda stressed right now and I don't know why. But I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have a lovely day/night you magnificent peep!

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