Chapter 24: Keeping the peace

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*Logan POV*

I'm in a happy daze that I haven't felt since the day I started dating Virgil. Roman left a while ago, seeming very confused. I can't imagine why.


The next day, I wonder what got into me that afternoon. Happiness, of course. It was nice to feel, well, nice, but it caused a serious lack of production. I have a few assignments I need to catch up on now. 

As I'm doing my schoolwork, the events of last night play out in my head over and over. Why is he still mad at me? But he also still loves me? There has to be something here I'm missing.

Roman said Virgil might have been kicked out. I can probably start there for my theorizing. Although it would be easier if I could just talk to him.

I need to stay on task. School first, complicated stuff I don't fully understand, second.

I'm working twice as hard all day to make up for yesterday. This is why I have a strict schedule.


As I'm finishing up my work, my attention starts to stray away from it. I find myself more interested in finding out the whole story of me and Virgil, and not my schoolwork. 

I feel like I should just go over to Roman and Patton's apartment and just ask. Virgil may be there too. I also need to apologize for my actions yesterday. I caused both of them unnecessary stress and worry, and I feel guilty for that. Neither of them should have to worry about me.

*Virgil POV*

I've spent literally all day thinking of last night. I kissed him. I was soaking, freezing, and I should have just gone back to the apartment. But apparently, adrenaline doesn't help my rationality, so I stayed. And I regret nothing.

Apart from saying I still hated him but loved him. Could I have said anything more confusing? I mean, it's kinda true. He got me kicked out, didn't he? 

"I back!"

The door opens and Roman makes a semi-dramatic entrance. I've gotten used to it by now.

"Sup Princey," I say.

"Hi, Ro!" Patton says, "How was work?"

I tune them both out as I scroll through Tumblr. I might not have noticed if I didn't live with them, but Patton and Roman seem pretty tense. Ever since last night. I think they're just worried about Logan.

I stand up to go to the bathroom when we hear a knock at the door. Roman opens it slightly and looks over to Patton. I'm 90% sure they had a telepathic moment or something because Patton immediately gets up and shoves me into his room. Literally shoves me.


"I'll let you out when he leaves. Sorry, Virge," He says.

He shuts the door. What is going on?

I listen to the voices outside.

"Hey, Lo," Roman says.

"Salutations, Roman, Patton," Logan says.

My heart leaps a little at his voice. Logan's here!

Then I remember why I'm mad at him. Those damn reports that got me kicked out. And he's still mad at me for apparently 'leaving him'. I feel like that's nowhere near the whole story but I doubt I'll ever get it.

"So what brings you here?" Patton asks.

"I wanted to apologize," Logan says.

To who? For what? I really wish I wasn't locked in Patton's room right now.

"For how I acted yesterday. It was out of place and immature," Logan says.

I hear him let out a slight 'oof'. Patton probably tackle-hugged him.

"You have nothing to apologize for," Roman says.

"Yeah! You had every right to feel sad, it's ok! It happens to all of us," Patton says.

"R-really? Because I was acting so-" 

"No. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for," Patton says, "Let's go get ice cream,"

Ah, ice cream. Patton's favorite solution for things. Cookies are his personal solutions. Wait, are they just going to leave me here?

"Patton, I-"

"Ice cream!"

I hear footsteps. Patton isn't a quiet walker.

"Roman, are you coming?" Logan asks.

"Nah. I'm not in the mood," Roman says, "Plus I just had work and I'm exhausted. Have fun, though,"

I hear them leave, and Roman walks over to the door, letting me out.

"What the hell was that?" I ask.

"Nothing," Roman says, "We were avoiding conflict,"

"Yeah yeah, there is no breakup in ba sing apartment," I say.

Roman snorts.

"Well, I'm going to get started on dinner, I'm pretty sure it's my turn. I'll be shoving you back into Pat's room when they come back," He says.

Odd how quickly he tried to change the subject.

"Or I could face Logan and we can act like rational adults," I say.

"Please, all of you are still 18," Roman says, "Practically still kids,"

I'm surprised it took him this long to play the 'I'm already 19' card. 

"Lo's turning 19 in like, 3 days, though," I say.

Wait. 3 days. Crap. That's not nearly enough time.

"You can go be an anxious mess about it over there while I make dinner," Roman says, pointing to the couch.

I scowl and flop on the couch. I grab my computer and watch some Netflix for a while. 


When Roman hears footsteps outside the door, he grabs some blankets and pillows and covers me on the couch. Patton usually shoves all of them in the corner of the couch, so that's where I'm hiding. I can hardly breathe.

"Hey, Ro!" Patton says, "We brought you back some ice cream," 

"Thanks," Roman says.

"Yes, thank you for the ice cream Patton," Logan says, "But I should get going,"

"Aw, ok. See ya later, alligator," Patton says.

"I'm still not an alligator, but goodbye," Logan says.

"Bye," Roman says.

The second Logan leaves I consider bursting out of the blankets. But I don't really feel like it. If I do, I'm going to have to eat dinner.

"Virgil, you can come out now," Roman says after a few minutes.

"Nah," I say.

Patton rips off a few blankets and pulls me out.

"C'mon, I got you some ice cream too," Patton says.

"What kind?" I ask.

"Salted caramel," He says.

"Fine, I'll get up," I say.

I'm back! And so is the story! Thank you guys for your kind words last chapter, but I just have a tendency to apologize for literally everything. I hope you enjoyed reading, and feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments. Have an outstanding day/night you magnificent peep!

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