Chapter 7: I got you, A

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*May POV*

To be honest, if the emo boy had messed around with literally anyone else, I wouldn't have cared. But no one messes with Amy without getting in trouble with me. And since I'm his landlord in a foreign country, I can have some fun.

First, I need to start by observing them. I know Logan quite well, considering we've never talked. But boy does Amy talk about him.

I see Logan and the emo, who I don't remember the name of, walk in holding hands. It's obvious they're dating.

A few hours later, I enter the common room to see the emo boy sitting at a table, face-down, looking very upset. I see some papers on his computer in front of him.

"Hey, are you ok? What's wrong?" I ask.

He looks up and wipes his eyes.

"It's nothing," He says.

"It sure looks like something. If it's one of the other tenants I can help you out," I say.

He shakes his head.

"No, I'm just being dramatic. One of the guys called me stupid for not understanding this," He says, gesturing to his computer.

It looks like one of those business classes. You need them for most professions, so I've taken a few.

"Maybe I can help. I think I've studied something similar," I say.

I do not want to help, but I need his trust. So I can break his heart like he broke Amy's.

We work through the homework, and I get to know him a little. He's really shy and doesn't really like anyone. But he wants to pass this class, so I'm pretty sure that's the only reason he accepted my help.

"Well, I need to get going. And lights out is in ten, so you should too. See you later," I say, waving goodbye as I walk out the door. 

I don't actually live in that place, I live in the nicer apartments next door.

*Virgil POV*

I didn't want to talk with her, but she offered to help and I needed it. After May leaves, I go back up to my room. I see Logan's light off under his door, so I know he's asleep. I probably won't sleep, though. I'm not that tired and I have a lot of work to do.

I work through the night with my coffee. I don't think I'm going to survive all of college without it. I guess I know how Remy feels now, except he's out all night partying or whatever.

The next morning, or rather 5 AM, I go to sleep. It's not like I have anything else to do. At least I hope not.

A little while later I hear knocking on my door. I had a small heart attack at first. I locked it and don't feel like answering, so I don't. I turn over and go back to sleep, and the knocking stops after a little while.

I wake up at around 9. I got a solid 4 hours in, yay. I'm about to go on my computer when I remember I did have plans for today. Crap.

I rush to get dressed and stumble my way out the door. I was supposed to meet up with the group for coffee again two hours ago. They probably aren't still there, we're college kids not moms so we don't spend hours talking, and I try to remember where they said we'd be going next. I think we were going to one of the parks.

I check my texts to confirm which one. St. James's park. I look to see where it is. 


I did end up finding the park, but now I'm stressing about whether or not I locked my door when I left. Do I still have my key on me? Yes, this is the fourth time I've checked.

I see the three of them walking around the park, near the lake. I see Buckingham Palace in the distance, which I see Patton point to excitedly. 

I approach them and hear Logan telling Patton about the palace. Roman's staring off into space and waves when he sees me.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up!" He says.

"Yeah, sorry I'm late," I say.

Patton and Logan turn around. Patton immediately gives me another crushing hug, I believe the third one this week. I guess he's gotten clingy since college started. I can't blame him. If I could, I would just spend all day with cuddled up to Logan. What can I say, he makes me feel safe.

"What happened?" Patton asks.

I shrug.

"Sleep," I say.

Roman rolls his eyes.

"Good. I heard you up at 3 AM this morning," Logan says.

I didn't think I was being loud, but I guess now I have to make sure not to make a single noise at night.

"How?" I ask.

"You were humming along to The Office theme," Logan says.

I don't eve remember watching The Office last night, much less humming the theme. But I suppose anything's possible when you're high on caffeine and low on sleep.

"We were thinking of going around and doing tourist-y stuff today," Patton says.

"Mk," I say, "Don't you have work though, Roman?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"Not until late tonight," He says.


"Well, let's go kiddos!" Patton says.

No idea where we're going, but I don't want to. Oh well, as long as they're happy.


We rode a double-decker bus back, which was cool but not as cool as I thought, considering it was super windy today. Logan is still out doing something, I don't know what. At around 7, he texts me.

Do you want to go on a date later tonight?

Not rly sorry. Maybe another time.

I'm just exhausted from today, and I have coursework to do.

That is fine. I hope you have a good night.

you too. Luv u

It's 'love you', and I do as well.

He's always a grammar nut, isn't he? I smile as I flop down on my bed. I take one of the Jaffa cakes I bought. They're ok, but not what I expected.

*Patton POV*

I'm loving London so far, all of it has been amazing. I'm planning on taking Roman out on an official date once we get the chance.

He's out filming right now, probably some nighttime scenes. I'm just browsing social media to see what my old high school friends are up to. My stomach twists when I see some of Amy's recent posts.

I heard my bullies are out of the country. It's such a relief and my cuz is there with them, so I know they won't be bad once she talks with them. Family bonds are the best! 😊💕

Ew. Just ew. And she marked it with a million hashtags. I see she hasn't changed a bit.

Sorry for the slightly late update today. I've been non-stop listening to Micheal in the Bathroom because once I like a song I feel the need to memorize all the lyrics. But I hope you enjoyed reading, and feel free to leave any thoughts, theories, or feedback in the comments. Have a glorious day/night you magnificent peep!

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