Chapter 35: Thunder

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*Logan POV*

A week has passed and I thankfully haven't crossed paths with May. I am disgusted with her and what she did. 

As I enter the apartment building, I'm unfortunately met by May.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Break-into-my-house-and assault-me Perry," she says.

"Well, my first name is actually Logan, but I guess you're too learning-challenged to pick up basic names," I say.

"Ha. As if," she scoffs.

"So what do you want?" I ask.

I'm not stupid. She won't talk to me unless it's for her own gain.

"To let you know you are on thin ice. Any more slip-ups and you're out of here. And I don't think your friend's apartment can fit another person," she says.

The fact she knows that is both unnerving and making me feel like I should call the police. Which I am going to do anyway. Actually, I should get on that right now.

*Roman POV*

It's the afternoon. Virgil and I have been chilling on the couch for a few hours, mostly discussing Disney. 

"Why would you even think that?" I ask.

"I'm just saying. The sequel is coming out and it might answer it," Virgil says.

"They are not going to kill Elsa or Olaf!" I say.

"I dunno, they did kill Bambi's mom," Virgil says.

"And she wasn't the main character," I argue.

"Maybe Disney's going to go a little darker on us. You never know," he says.

"You kinda do," I say.

He rolls his eyes.

"Keep dreaming, Princey," he says.

We sit in silence for a few minutes when Patton comes out of his room.

"I'm going for a walk," he says.

"Mk. I'll come with," I say, getting up.

"Roman, as much as I like walking with you, I do enjoy my walks alone," Patton says.

"Yeah, but what if you get in trouble? What if someone attacks you? What if you-" I start to say.

"You sound like Virgil. I'm going to be fine, I just won't pet any dogs. Ok?" he says.

"No- wait- what if you-" 

"Princey, relax. Pat's going to be fine, it's just a walk. He's gotten smarter and promised not to walk away with any strangers or eat food from them. Right, Patton?" Virgil says.

Patton nods. I feel Virgil yank my arms back to I can't go with Patton.

"See you later, kiddos. Roman, you have work in 20 minutes. Virgil, you have an assignment due today for your 3D design course," Patton says, "And Logan's coming over in a half-hour. Dinner is in the fridge," 

We both nod.

"Wait-" I say, just as he closes the door.

I let out a small sigh of defeat.

"What has gotten into you?" Virgil asks.

"Last week, that's what," I snap.

"Ok ok, geez. Just chill out, Roman. Pat's a capable adult now," Virgil says.

"Do you seriously not remember what happened last week? This place is full of danger and he's not prepared for it!" I say.

"Yes, that whole 1 person out to ruin our lives. She's literally the only negative thing here. So relax. Patton knows who she is and how to avoid her," he says.

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