Chapter 38: Apology

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*Logan POV*

Virgil goes down the stairs, his steps light and quick. Once they fade, I turn to May.

"What the hell was that about? You have no right-"

"I have every right. I own this building, I can ban him if I want to," she says.

No, she can't. 

"You're a horrible person, you know that?" I ask, "Way worse than that blonde freak,"

That gets her attention.

"Who are you talking about?" she asks.

"Just some girl I went to high school with. She was obsessed with me, lied about everything, and got hit by a car and two busses out of her own stupidity," I say.

May glares at me before slamming my door in my face. I think this just proved Virgil's theory. I think I know what I'm going to do now, with all the evidence I've gotten. Her being that rude to Virgil is my final straw.

*Patton POV*

It's been several hours. It's nighttime now, and the moon has risen. I wipe the tears from my eyes, hoping they aren't too red. My eyes, not my tears.

I get on a bus and go back to the apartment. Only because it's late and I need to make sure Virgil gets home safe.

As I enter the apartment, I look around. Roman isn't in the main room, so he's in his bedroom. Good, I don't want to deal with him right now.

"Hey, Pat," Virgil says.

"Hi, kiddo! How was Logan's?" I ask.

He shrugs.

"Fine. I kinda forgot I'm not allowed there so I got kicked out," he says.

"Aw, that's awful!" I say.

"Eh. What's more awful is her being stuck with my angry boyfriend. That's not fun. Speaking of which, how are you and Roman?" he asks.

"Fine. I took a walk and cooled off," I say.

Well, less cooled off and more cried my eyes out. I still can't believe that's what Roman thinks of me.

"NotsureifIbelievethat but ok!" Virgil says.

"What was that?" I ask.

I didn't catch the first part of what he said.

"Doesn't matter. Goodnight," Virgil says.

"Alright. Goodnight, kiddo," I say, going to my room.


In the morning, I wake up and go to make breakfast. Virgil and Roman are also up, and I say good morning to Virgil.

"Morning, kiddo!" I say.

"Morning, Pat," Virgil says.

"Good morning," Roman says.

"Hi," I say dryly.

He furrows his eyebrows.

"Pat, look, I'm-"

"I don't want to hear it," I say.


"I don't want to hear it! You have work in 10 minutes, you should have left already," I snap.

"You're right. But you can't avoid talking forever," Roman says.

I glare at him as he leaves.

"I think," Virgil says, "That that is the first time I've seen you so mad,"

Together, Forever (Sanders Sides College AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz