Chapter 11: Coffee runs

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*Roman POV*

After a few hours of sleep, Patton wakes me up and I get ready for filming. On my way out, I get a text in the group chat.

Hey, can someone pick up coffee? The usual for us?

The text came from one of the leads, so they mean all of the leads.

On it I text

I make a detour on the bus to go to Starbucks, get their drinks, and then get to the set. I arrive on time and go to the cameras, where the leads are. As I approach them, I hear them complaining about how the makeup artists are late again.

"Hi, I got you-" I start to say, approaching them.

"Oh great. He's finally here, what's your excuse this time?" The lead actress, Sarah, says.


"Yeah, we've been waiting for an hour! You're a terrible worker," Another, Conner, says.

"Again, I'm-"

"Shut up and get to work," Another one, Micheal, says.

"I'm not the makeup artist!" I burst out.

They all look at me, dumbfounded.

"I'm just here to deliver your guys' drinks," I say.

I'm frequently the go-to guy for Starbucks runs. Since most of us are American, we half-live off coffee, especially with our late nights. So you would think they would at least recognize me as that guy, or just not the makeup artist, but no. They don't/

"Oh," Sarah says, "Well thank you. I have the-"

"Blonde vanilla decaf," I say, handing her said drink to her.

She always gets a blonde vanilla decaf. I memorized all of their orders, seeing as it makes me look better and it's not that hard. There's only five of them, as the director or anyone else gets their own. Or they don't get it in the first place.

"And here is your caramel macchiato," I say, handing the last cup to Cathrine.

They thank me and then the actual makeup artist shows up. I don't know why they're always late, but if they are again and I get yelled at I'll ask.

I get into my costume, which is really just average clothes. The plot of the movie is about a group of friends on a mission, which takes them from America to London, as they search for their lost friend. I'm usually just an extra, but occasionally my role gets used so I'm a little bit of a side character. I have a few scenes that I talk in.


Filming today was a little better than most days. At least my headache mostly faded. When I get back to the apartment, Patton asks if I want to go for a walk. I agree and grab my coat.

"So how was your day? Feeling any better?" Patton asks.

"Yeah. Today wasn't too bad, actually," I say.

"That's good!" Patton says.

I tell him all about my day, and then I ask about his after a while.

"Eh. Schoolwork, same as normal. Although I'm thinking of trying to make a more British kind of food. Ever heard of bubble and squeak?" Patton asks.

I'm not sure if that's a food or cartoon.

*Virgil POV*

I'm getting a little bored being in my room all day, so for a change of setting I go downstairs to the common area. They have comfy chairs down there, and almost no one goes into the corner where they are, so it's a nice place.

My headache is mostly gone, as Logan gave me some medicine for it when we got back. I think I fell asleep on the way back, but I'm not sure.

I really don't like doing my classes, I'm just not in the mood right now. Sure, some of them are more fun than others, but I really just want to draw and not have homework.

Sometimes, this is worse than math. At least I have an understanding of math. Some of these classes just don't make sense. I guess it's my fault for choosing them. I let out a long sigh.

"Hey, if you ever need any help I'm right here," May says, appearing from around the corner.

I jump a little bit.

"Oh yeah, sure. I'll keep that in mind," I say.

I'd really rather just do this on my own, but it's nice that she offered. Maybe people here are just genuinely nicer than people in America. I wouldn't be shocked.

At around 7 PM I finish my work. Earlier than I expected. I grab my stuff and go back to my room.

A grab a sandwich and take a bite as I pull up Netflix on my computer. After a while, I consider going to hang out with Logan but decide against it. I already spent the morning with him while I was sick. I don't want to seem too clingy and he probably has work to do. And you don't bother Logan while he's working.


I wake up at 1 AM when I was actually sleeping for a change, to people thundering down the hallway. I get out of bed and open up my door. I see two guys running down the hallway, looking like they just won an award.

"Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to sleep for a change," I say.

"Heh! Nice one dude!" One says to the other, completely ignoring me.

They continue to stop down the hallway, one pulling out a basketball. Oh, he better not.

He does. He starts dribbling it.

"Will you stop!?" I almost shout.

"Eh, just put in some earplugs," One says.

I glower at them, going back to my room. A minute later, I hear someone coming down the stairs.

"Both of you better stop or you're getting kicked out," A voice says.

It's May.

"Make us,"

I can almost hear his smirk.

"I will. I am the owner here, and according to your contract, I have every right. And disturbing other tenants, especially at night, is against the rules," May says.

"Fine, fine," They grumble.

I hear the two guys go back to their rooms. Finally, some quiet.

Just a reminder that I will not be updating this tomorrow. Sorry. But I hope you enjoyed reading, and feel free to leave any thoughts, theories, or feedback in the comments. Have a splendid day/night you magnificent peep!

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