Chapter 4: Flying is still utterly terrifying

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*Virgil POV*

The break is over. I've got no classes with mandatory attendance this quarter, and all online work. At least I'll still be able to keep up with everything while I'm gone.

After passing through the endless security, I finally get to my flight area. I forgot what it's called, but it's the area where everyone on the same flight hangs out beforehand. I grab a pretzel from Auntie Anne's because it seems they only exist in airports and they are good.

As we board the plane, I am shaking a little. I don't even need foundation right now I'm so freaked out. Have I mentioned my hate for flying? Especially long flights. This one to London, England, for example. 7 and a half hours.

As we take off, I furiously chew my gum. I put on my headphones after we take off, preparing for the long flight ahead. Why did I agree to this?

A few minutes into the flight, the two people next to me, in the middle and aisle seat, move. I don't know where but I'm super thankful they did.

The entirety of my flight is spent listening to audiobooks. I have nothing else to do and I'm too self-conscious to draw.


I wake up as we begin our descent. I make sure all my stuff is in order and pause my audiobook. I grab another piece of gum to chew as we make our way down. I can feel my heart beating extremely fast, as I always fear anything can and will go wrong on a flight.

Nothing did happen, but I was a little too close to a panic attack as we got off. I rushed to the bathroom, half to cry and half because I really needed to go and someone was occupying the plane one for the entire flight. I'm guessing they were just as socially awkward as me. At least I hope.


I manage to get to the place I'm staying, a decent place that is generally rented out to college students. Quite a few are here, actually. The host gives us a few rules, like don't make a huge mess and no parties, and I go up to my room.

I unpack some of my stuff. I'm going to be staying here for a while, probably until the end of the quarter. Mom told me she would be giving me some money, considering I'm twice as close to broke here. I don't know what I'm going to do here, but tonight I just want to sleep.

*Patton POV*

I am bouncing in my seat with excitement. I love flying and can't wait to get on the plane. Roman and I have seats next to each other, and the plane is one of those ones that has movies you can watch on the back of the seats.

We pass through security and begin the wait. Roman gets us some drinks, as it's pretty early in the morning. I sip on it, trying not to fall asleep again. It's a little too early for me. Around 4 AM. I lay my head on Roman's chest and doze off, trusting that he'll wake me when we start to board.

He does, and I rub my eyes and grab my stuff. Despite my excitement, I'm still tired. We board, me on the window seat and him in the middle seat. We have another person in the row with us. They look pretty quiet, so I don't try to talk.


As we touch down in London, I feel excitement well up inside me again. I'm really here. In another country. With my boyfriend!

We've rented a nice place to stay for a while, and planned out what we're going to do while here. I still have schoolwork to do, and Roman has his new role, but that should still leave us with some time on our hands.

"So what do you want to do first?" I ask.

Roman sets down his bag.

"Settle in and sleep," He says.

He flops down onto the bed. I don't think he slept on the flight at all, so he must be tired.

"Good idea," I say, "We can have fun-don in London later,"

He snorts and then falls asleep. I go over to our small kitchen to get things sorted. This place is about the same size as our apartment, but spacier.

I slept for most of the flight so I have some energy. But I still need to get adjusted to London time, but that'll probably take a few days.

I decide to start a little of my schoolwork. I don't have much, and my break officially ends tomorrow. But still, it's a tiny bit not due for a while.

*Logan POV*

My flight to London was long. Exactly 11 hours, 20 minutes, and 37 seconds. It was fascinating to go overseas for the first time, though. I am eager to start my time in the London abroad program. Christie encouraged this greatly, reminding me to try to make friends while I'm there.

I'm staying in an apartment sort of place that rents out to a lot of college students from my school. It seems to be a popular place to stay when abroad.

"Hello everyone, I'm May, the owner of this building," A woman says.

A few other people and I are standing in what I assume is the kitchen. May looks to be in her late 20s, not much older than some people in the group. She's tall, about as tall as me, and has short blonde hair. She has a slight accent and talks like an American, so I'm guessing she's from there.

"You will respect my authority. If anyone has any problems or questions feel free to ask. We have some basic rules here," She says, "First, no parties. You can have guests over, so long as they don't make a mess and keep it quiet. Second, if you make a mess or break something, you're fixing it. That's pretty much it, so any questions?"

No one has any. She smiles brightly.

"Great! Here are your keys to your rooms. That reminds me, no going into anyone's room without permission. Or taking stuff that isn't yours," May says.

She hands me my key and I go upstairs, looking for the door marked with a '3'. London is 8 hours ahead of California, so I feel like it's right before noon while it is really the evening. I settle into my room and start doing a little research. What to do while I'm here, where the nearest grocery store is, things like that.

Ok, so I've never actually been to London, so sorry if there's some inaccuracies. I'm trying my best. I hope you enjoyed reading, and feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments. Have a wonderful day/night you magnificent peep!

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