Chapter 30: Pat's bored and Evidence is gained

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*Virgil POV*

Day 2 of camping. My stings are itchy and still hurt and I hate it.

"Morning, Hot Topic," Roman says.

"Everything still hurts," I grumble.

I have a sting under my eye and it's not fun.

"Here. This'll help. Probably," Roman says, handing me an ice pack.

It's the same one from yesterday, just refrozen.

"Thanks," I say.

Roman nods.

"We have some fruit and granola for breakfast," he says.

I nod. I'm not really that hungry, though.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask.

Roman shrugs.

"Explore. Mess around. Be teenagers," he suggests.

"Ok. Should we go in like, 10 minutes?" I ask.

Roman nods.

"Might as well," he says, "Think fast,"

He throws me a plastic package of fruit. I pop it open and take a strawberry.

As Roman does whatever outside I get changed and check my phone. I have better signal than Roman so there's that. I've got one message from Logan telling me good night and to stay safe. I have no idea how to respond so I just send a meme. Not that he'll understand it.

"Ready?" Roman asks.

I nod and shove the fruit under my blanket.

"Let's go," I say.

We leave our tent, making sure to hide out valuables. Not that we really have any besides our phones.

"So what direction are we heading in?" I ask.

"That way," Roman says, pointing towards the woods.

I nod.

We start our hike into the woods. Heh, into the woods

"Ooh, I have an idea!" Roman says, "Let's play hide-and-seek!"

I snort.

"With only two of us? In a really spaced out forest next to a field?" I ask.

"Ok, how about a treasure hunt?" Roman suggests, "Like we both hide something and whoever finds it first wins,"

It's been a while since I've gotten to play kid games like this, so I agree. College and working have really not given me a lot of free time. And even then I'm usually on Tumblr.

"Ok. I'll hide.... this stick," I say, picking up a small brach.

"Mk. I'll hide this rock. Ready, set, go!" Roman says.

We race off in opposite directions. Once I'm out of his sight, I realize we never really set any rules. Oops.

I hide the stick in a small hole, which I leave uncovered. Now to start searching.

*Patton POV*

I'm bored. Logan's busy doing his work, and Ro and Virge are gone. I don't really have anything to do. Maybe go see things.

I grab a cupcake. Logan's a pretty good baker, even if he won't admit it.

I wonder if Logan wants to hang out. I bet he has nothing else to do and I don't know what to do by myself. How Virgil prefers staying alone all day is a mystery to me.

"Looogan, do you want to hang out?" I ask.

"Patton, maybe you should go explore the city. I'm busy," Logan says.

I sigh.

"Fine," I say, "Can we still talk for a bit?"

I'm a very social person. I don't like not being with people. Which is why college is so fun, I get to meet a lot of new and interesting people! I pretty much knew everyone in high school, so this is refreshing.

"As I said, I am busy. My apologies," Logan says.

"Okkkk," I say.

He hangs up and I'm left still bored. I don't really want to go do anything. Maybe I should bake.

No, we have a bunch of baked stuff. Maybe I should just go around and explore like Logan said. Yeah, I think I will. But where should I start?

*Logan POV*

I'm finishing up my schoolwork and making a plan. May has pissed me off in more ways than one and I have a way to get back at her, but it's going to require evidence first. I have some proof of her never doing anything about my harassment reports, but that's not enough. 

I need to catch her in the act. I'm willing to bet she was the one who took my laptop, as everyone here is either too dense to pick a lock or respectable human beings. Plus, I found it in the room of the girl in the room next to me, who brought it out when I asked. Until then, I took the laptop I found in the backroom that I assumed was mine, because it was a very similar type. I returned it, of course, with no damages every night until I found my actual one.

I'm currently working on making a hiding place for my phone, so it can record but remain safe. I'm mostly just hiding it with the camera on, behind some papers, with only the camera sticking out. It seems to work well enough.

I'm pacing around my room when I get a call from Patton. He's been wanting to hang out every single hour since Virgil and Roman went camping. It's only been two days. So I tell him I'm busy, which is true. Busy trying to catch a criminal.

I hang up with Patton and about 10 minutes later I hear a faint knock on my door. I've been waiting for this. Nobody knocks on my door, and I know for a fact it can't be Patton. Unless it's an emergency, he wouldn't be coming over after I declined to. And if it was an emergency, his knock would not be so light. 

I hide in my bathroom, phone camera in place outside, recording everything.

I hear her come in, walk around, do something, and leave. The whole encounter took less than five minutes.

Once her footsteps fade I come back out. I grab my phone and look at the recording. I notice several things against my contract. First, entering my room without permission or valid reason. Two, stealing, as she took my umbrella. But the best part is she took some of the pounds I have and took a pen to them. Most likely hoping to frame me for doing it. The figurative joke is on her because now I have a recording.

I have nothing to say here. I'm just pretty bored today which is unusual. So I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have a great day/night you magnificent peep!

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