Chapter 18: Looking into things

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TW: eating disorder

*Roman POV*

After another long day at work, I finally get to go home. I love my job, but I'm still exhausted. I think I understand why Remy practically lives off coffee and still manages to be fabulous.

I enter the apartment and see Virgil balled up on the couch. I walk over to him.

"P-Pat?" He asks.

His eyes are filled with tears. For a second, I wonder why he thinks I'm Patton, but then I remember my costume has glasses and I'm wearing a light blue shirt. I forgot to take the glasses off. I usually do and keep them on me, for fear of them breaking. The costume manager is fine with it.

I just nod. He's upset and I'm not going to not be nicer.

He latches onto me in a hug, and I feel his tears landing on his shoulder. I might not like Virgil right now, but there's no way I'm going to be cold and rude. Right now, he needs support. There's still a small part of me that cares for this emo nightmare.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I don't- It's just- I miss Logan. I know it's stupid but I still do," He says.

"It's ok," I say.

I don't really know what else to say. Wasn't he the one who left Logan? 

"I- I just don't get it," Virgil says.

He sniffles.

"I thought everything was fine until I was kicked out because of him. What did I even do?"

Well, this is news. Something's definitely up.

"It's not your fault. It's not his either," I say, "Something's up,"

He looks up at me. I still think he doesn't know it's me.

"Ok," He mumbles.

He wraps himself in a blanket and flops over onto the couch, burying his face in a pillow. I think he just needs some alone time. I have no idea, I'm bad with emotional things like this. I'm good at happy romance, and planning dates and stuff, not sad romance like this. 

*Logan POV*

It's been a few days. The noise hasn't stopped. It's clear that everyone in the building blames me, and now I'm a little worried to even leave my room. Surely this violates the harassment policy.

Actually, I think this noise problem violates multiple things in my contract. I think I should refresh myself on it.

I keep a copy of my contract saved on my computer. I pull it up and start reading. 

Most of the contract is uninteresting things. And things unrelated to my search. But I do eventually find the sections that I'm looking for. Noise and harassment. 

By the looks of things, if the landlord gets more than three complaints about repeated disturbances than they have to look into it.

I know for a fact I've reported it three times. And several other tenants have told me they've reported it too, thinking I'd get freaked out by it. Which did not work.

I look at the harassment policy. She's required to look into things after a certain amount of reports. A lot of it happened in the hallway outside our rooms, where a security camera is clearly visible. It would have captured all the events.

In both cases, May is being irresponsible. I'll make a plan and confront her about it at some point. I don't know when, though. I need to plan it all out first. 


That night, at around 10 PM, the noise starts again. I have had enough.

I walk over to the other side of my room, grab my earbuds and phone, and play some calming music. I hope it's enough to block out the sound.

It helps, but not a lot. At least I'm able to fall asleep sooner, which is good. I definitely need to sleep. As I'm falling asleep, my thoughts drift to Virgil. I wonder how he's doing. 

I have to remind myself I shouldn't care. He obviously doesn't anymore, and it's useless to continue to harbor feelings for him. I just can't care anymore. Why is that so hard?

*Patton POV*

It's late at night. Virgil skipped dinner again, and probably lunch. I'm not certain as I wasn't home.

I made pasta for dinner a few hours ago and he still won't eat. I'm really concerned about him.

"Kiddo, you gotta eat sometime," I say.

I hand him a bowl with some pasta and a fork.

He shakes his head and pushes it away.

"I'm not hungry. I ate this morning," He says.

It's 10 PM. And now I know he didn't eat lunch either.

"Exactly. You should be eating three times a day, not once. Now eat your pasta," I say.

He shakes his head and hands me the bowl. Our apartment only has two bedrooms, so he sleeps on the couch and doesn't have his own room. So he storms off into the bathroom.

I knock on Roman's door.

"Roman, Virge isn't eating and I need your help," I say.

He opens his door.

"Look, I know the two of you aren't-" I start.

"Where is he?" Roman asks.

"In the bathroom," I say.

He grabs the bowl from my hands.

"Virgil you either eat or I force-feed you!" He shouts.

He storms over to the bathroom. When did Roman get so caring for Virgil? Sure, it's aggressive but it's there.

I hear Virgil hiss. Like a cat. That's adorable.

About 10 minutes later Roman comes back.

"He won't eat the food," He says.

I sigh. I walk over to the bathroom.

"Virgil, I hate to play this card but you've given me no choice," I say, "You live under our roof, you're living under our rules. You need to eat,"

He glares at me as I hand him the bowl. He finishes about half of it before handing it back.

"There, happy?" He asks.

I smile.

"Yeah. And kiddo, if you need someone to talk to, I'm right here," I say.

He nods and I see his eyes are a little red. I give him a hug and walk out.

"I'm going to bed now. You should too," I say, gently leading him out.

I make sure to lock the bathroom door, just in case.

"Night, kiddo," I say.

"Night, Pat," He says.

Virgil wraps himself in a blanket and lies down on the couch.

Just a few minutes after I enter my room, I hear a knock. I open my door.


"Can I talk to you for a sec, Pat?" Roman asks.

"Of course!" I say.

He comes in.

"I think there's more to Virgil and Logan's breakup than any of us know," He says.

Don't really have anything to say here. So yeah, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, I hope you enjoyed reading, and have a fantastic day/night you magnificent peep!

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