Chapter 5: London

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*Virgil POV*

I spend most of my first week here doing schoolwork and adjusting to the time zone difference. It messed up my pretty much non-existent sleep schedule.

I decide to go to the grocery store, or whatever they call it here. I don't know at all.

I use my phone to track down where the store is. Turns out it's about a ten-minute walk away from my place, which is good. I enter the store, checking my wallet to make sure I have pounds instead of dollars.

As I'm browsing the isles, I find a bunch of food I've never heard of before. Like Jaffa cakes. I decide to get them and some other British foods, because why not? I'm going to eat them even if they are bad.

I'm so caught up in the different kinds of food they have here that I accidentally walk right into someone. Or rather, their chest. I'm still short, even here.

"Oh, sorry," I say, taking a step back.

I look up at them. If I wasn't in a different country I would assume they're Logan.

"No, my apologies. I wasn't looking where- Virgil?!" He exclaims.

"Logan? What are you doing here?" I ask.

I jump up a little and give him a hug. He is the only person in the world I will willingly hug. With Patton, I don't have a choice.

"I am here on an abroad program. And you?" He asks.

"Mom wanted me to do something with my life," I say.

"Yes, she can be like that sometimes," Logan says.

I smile.

"So where are you staying?" He asks.

"Down the road, a few blocks down. The tall, dreary-looking place," I say.

I'm not being overdramatic, that place looks like it's straight out of a sad movie. All that it needs is a little rain.

"I believe I am as well. Is your host's name May?" Logan asks.

I nod. I'm pretty sure it is. I didn't really care to listen.

"Well, I guess we're kinda living together," I say.

"Yes, it would seem so. Would you like to spend some time together later? I still have some school work to complete, but after that, we can," Logan offers.

"Sure. See ya later, Lo," I say.

I tug on his tie a little and give him a kiss.


I hear a knock on my door. I quickly stash away my sketchbook and go over to answer. Am I in trouble for something? Is May, or someone else mad at me?

"Hello?" I ask, opening my door.

"Hello, love," Logan says.

I don't know why I didn't guess it was him.

"Hey, Lo," I say.

"I believe we have some," Logan pauses and pulls out an index card, "Catching up to do,"

At least these cards aren't really slang words. I don't want to be asked if my 'vibe is yeeting' again.

"Or we could watch Netflix and not talk," I suggest.

I'm always down for not talking.

"That would be satisfactory, all though I am curious as to how you were convinced to come here in the first place," Logan says.

I open up my computer and bring up Netflix. 

"Want to watch The Office?" I ask.

"As long as we get to watch Our Planet afterward," Logan says.

I agree, and I hear the familiar theme start to play.

"So back to my question," Logan says.

We chat for a while, with my computer's volume on low because I'm too nervous someone will hear it and complain.

"I've missed seeing you in person, Lo," I say.

I have no idea what time it is, but I'm tired. Which is probably good, because I haven't been sleeping well. I snuggle up to Logan, who wraps his arms around me.

"Me too, Virgil," He says, "Me too,"

*Patton POV*

I'm trying my best to cook with the food we have currently. We're going to need to go grocery shopping soon. I don't know why we haven't already.

At around 4 PM, Roman walks in and flops right on to the couch.

"Hey Ro, how was your day?" I ask.

He groans in response.

"Want to talk about it?" I ask.

He groans again. He must have had a really bad day.

"Come on, Ro. We can have dinner and talk. I think it's almost ready. I found some rice so I'm trying to make that right now. We also have some ramen," I say.

I'm just trying to make do with the food we have. We are double as broke here than in the US, so food shopping is a priority, but a struggle.


"Roman, was work really that bad? You know you can be as verbally dramatic as you want here," I say.

Our dinner is nice, but the rice is a little mushy. My fault. I've made rice before just never this way.

"Yes, it really was that bad! I might as well have been an intern! I mean, I am an actor there, not a helper!" Roman says.

Ah. So they've hurt his pride. How dare they!

"Well, maybe this is just how things work. Besides, if you prove you're a good worker more people will want to hire you!" I say.

"I know, but still. It's like I'm not even noticed!" Roman shouts.

"It's ok, Ro," I say.

He face-plants on the table.

"No, it's not! Just let me be dramatic right now because they clearly don't want me to," He says.

"Ok. Would you like to watch some musicals? I've got some of yours saved on my computer," I suggest.

I'm sure that'll boost his self-confidence and mood. And after that, we can watch some Disney movies.


"Thanks, Pat. I don't know what I'd do without you," Roman says.

This time it's him cuddling up to me. I pat his head. He's so adorable when he's like this. Watching the musicals definitely helped him calm down and feel better. And he even started singing along to some of the songs. I try to as well, but I'm not nearly as good as him. There's a reason I was in band instead of choir.

"You wouldn't be watching nearly as many Disney movies without me, that's for sure," I say.

We both share a smile. The majority of Roman's time spent watching Disney movies is with me. Musicals are a whole different story, though. 

I was so creative with the chapter title, wasn't I? I hope you enjoyed reading. Feel free to leave any thoughts, theories, feedback, or suggestions in the comments and have a tremendous day/night you magnificent peep!

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