Chapter 29: Why did I agree to this?

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*Roman POV*

I pack a few cupcakes, taking one out to eat. Today Virgil and I are going camping. I have a solid week off, so I want to hang out with Virgil. We hang out the least, so it seems fair. Plus, I should probably apologize for how I acted when he and Logan... had the incident. I can't exactly say breakup because that's not really what happened.

"You gonna get moving or stay lost in thought?" Virgil asks.

"Can't I do both?" I ask.

Virgil shrugs.

"Well, the chances of you running into something when you do are a lot higher, so by all means, please do," He says.

I laugh and start walking. Virgil's wish is soon granted as I walk straight into the wall. He bursts out laughing. This trip is already off to a great start.

"So do we have a tent, or...." Virgil asks.

I nod.

"I'm borrowing one from a friend," I say.

"You have friends?" Virgil asks.

Wow, rude much?

"I- I meant in London," Virgil corrects.

"Yeah, I thought so. And yes, working on a movie set all day almost every day tends to get you those," I say.

And being charismatic and handsome definitely helps.

"So where is this place?" Virgil asks as we go down the stairs.

"You'll see," I say with a smirk.

It's a place more out in the woods. Not glamping. I used to go camping all the time with my mom and brother when we were really little.


At our campsite, I start setting up the tent while Virgil goes to the small shop to get firewood. As it turns out, I am really bad at setting up a tent. I'm going to be struggling for a while. What doesn't help is that it's really windy today.

*Virgil POV*

Roman sent me to get firewood. We have some leftover chocolate and Roman stole some of Patton's marshmallows to make s' mores. But I don't know about the graham crackers. 

As I'm walking through the trail I come across a hive. As I pass it, making sure I stay as far away as possible, I notice something. Bees. It's active. Not bees, wasps. I would swear but Patton's no-swear policy is now second nature to me.

"Crap. Crap crap crap," I mutter, backing away. 

And with just my luck, a large just of wind comes through, knocking a branch down. And you'll never guess where it landed! That's right, the wasp's nest. And they come after the closet living being. Me.

I break into a sprint, trying to avoid the wasps. And Roman wonders why I don't like camping. At least they don't have bears here.

I make it back to camp and collapse on the ground, completely out of breath. I'm not a runner and there's a reason for that.

"You good, Virge?" Roman asks, not turning away from the campfire.

"Y-yeah. Not the angry swarm of wasps, though," I pant.

"The angry storm of what? Get in the tent!" Roman says, jumping up.

I get up and practically drag myself there.

"Did they sting you?" Roman asks.

I hear buzzing outside.

"Yeah, I think so," I say, brushing away my bangs.

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