Chapter 9: A little silly

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TW: Alcohol, drinking

*May POV*

It's been three weeks since they came here. Today is January 17th. I don't know how long they're staying, even though I probably should. I have it written down somewhere, as they're my tenants.

I'm still thinking of subtle ways to get the two boys apart. Amy's methods were far from subtle, and those didn't work. But she's always been one for dramatics, no matter how extra they are.

I'm downstairs in the common room and kitchen area. I'm just cleaning up most of the things everyone else forgot or didn't want to do. It's easier to just do it myself.

I have a drink on the table, a more American sugary drink. But it's got some alcohol in it.

Logan's in here too, on his phone. Probably waiting for someone. I'm in the backroom when said someone comes in.

*Patton POV*

Logan and Virgil asked us if we wanted to hang out at their place tonight. Of course, Roman and I said yes. He has the morning off again, so we plan to stay the night. It'll be nice to get out of the stuffy apartment and hang out with Lo and Virge all night like we used to.

As we walk in, Logan is there waiting for us. He stands up and walks over.

"Salutations, Patton and Roman," He says.

"Hi, kiddo!" I say.

"Sup," Roman says.

"We're going up to my room, it's the third one on the left," Logan says.

"Mk," Roman says, "Hey, what's that?"

He points to a bright green drink on the table. Logan shrugs.

"Oh, that's a British drink I got. I don't really like it, you guys can have it if you want," A girl says.

"Ok, thanks!" I say.

I turn to Logan, and ask quietly,

"Who's that?"

"That is May, the owner of the building," He says.

"Oh, cool," I say.

Roman grabs the drink and we go upstairs. Logan leads us to his room.

"Hey guys," Virgil says as we enter.

"Hiya, kiddo!" I say.

He laying upside down on Logan's bed, looking half asleep.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Roman asks.

"I dunno," Virgil says, "We could play a board game or something," 

"How? We don't have any," Logan says.

"Oh yeah. Cards?" Virgil asks, pulling a deck of cards out of his pocket.

Where did he even get those?

"Sure, why not?" I say.

We all sit down on the floor while Virgil shuffles.

"So what game are we playing?" Logan asks.

We all shrug.

"War?" Roman suggests.

"Trash?" I ask.

"Poker?" Virgil says with a grin.

"How about War?" Logan says.

I don't think Poker and broke college students really work well together. 

We start to play war, teaming up against each other.

"War!" I shout.

"How dare you!" Virgil says, mock gasping.

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