I Still Want You Back

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~Anna's POV~
To Jack: I'm so sorry I left so early. How are things going with Alex?
From Jack: Dude it's fine I understand completely. I just wanna thank you for singing with me! Alex loved it. Once we got back to his house for a sleepover I gave him a CD with the song, he played it and... Well, Alex kissed me. He's sleeping rn but he's just so cute
From Jack: Ur weird. Did you manage to get home without Pete talking to you?
To Jack: Thank! But no, I didn't. He apologized a lot and was really nice and all but... I cut it off with him.
From Jack: Mixed emotions about tht. Like, I ship Panna hardcore but he kinda was a dick.
To Jack: Wait a second, remember how when you called him a dick earlier and I tried to defend him you said you "knew it?" What was that about?
From Jack: You defended him because you still have a thing for him. Which I know sucks to hear, but it's the truth. It's obvious that he still likes you, and you still like him. A lot actually ;)
To Jack: No... Well.. I don't know. Ugh it's too late to think about this. Well at least I can rest mildly easy now knowing that my OTP is happy. Night Jack! Tell Alex I say hi in the morning.
From Jack: Lol kay. Night Anna!! :) Please don't worry about it too much.

I rest my head against the pillow and think. Worry was exactly what I was going to do.

The next day
~Pete's POV~
I swear I've talked about her so much Patrick is ready to throw me off a cliff.
"You said she wrote a song with that kid, right? Well here's an idea: you write one for her!" Patrick says, clearly annoyed with me but also feeling kinda bad. Why the heck did I not think of that? I swear, sometimes im so blinded by my own emotions that I don't think clearly.
"Alright Im getting some things from the store." He says and climbs up the basement's stairs. Hmm... I tap my nose with my pen.

Broken down on Memory Lane
Alone Together we're alone
We're broken down on Memory Lane
Alone Together we're alone

Do you remember the way
I held your hand
Under the lamp post and ran
Home this way so many times
I could close my eyes
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring
Myself to do to you

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great

Well... That was pretty quick. I read over my scribbles and sigh. None of these lyrics go with any of the others. I guess they'll just have to be 3 different songs. I close the book and flip through all the pages to see the little cartoon thing I drew, and stumbl across another lyric filled page.

Best friends, ex friends to the end
Better off as lovers
And not the other way around
Racing thought the city
Windows down
In the back of yellow checkered cars

It's been longer than a month, but now that song just seems to fit. I can't wait for Patrick to see the new lyrics, I know he has some up his sleeve too. Who knows, maybe this knew album will be a success. Maybe we'll go back on tour.. Maybe someday we'll become a famous band. The thing is, I can't imagine my future without Anna. I confess, I messed up. Big time! But considering I can't go a minute without thinking about her, I need a plan. And I know just the person to call.

Alone Together // Pete WentzWhere stories live. Discover now