The Choice

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What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late
What about now?

– “What About Now” by Daughtry

Chapter 36: The Choice

            Tom and I arrived in Dallas on Friday night. I was surprised at how cold it was when I stepped outside. Our rental car said it was 20 degrees, which was colder than Boston when we left it. The Packers and Steelers must have taken their northern climates with them to Texas. It did not feel too bad to me, but all the locals were acting like it was the end of the world. Maybe it was considering two of their enemies were facing off for the Super Bowl in their stadium.

            It was cold the next morning as well, but it warmed up as the day went on. Tom and I went around Dallas to see all the sites. It was actually not that bad for a city, though I knew I would enjoy other parts of Texas better. I did have a good time, and I was unable to forget for awhile what was to come the next day.

            It warmed up to 54 late in the afternoon, and it felt amazing. We still had to get our tickets from Aaron, so we headed to the hotel where the team was staying. Tom was quieter as we traveled now, but I did not think much of it.

            I followed Aaron’s instructions to his hotel room. When I found it, I knocked on the door and stepped back. A few moments later, the door opened, and Aaron appeared. His face lit up with a smile when he saw me. It was the first time he had smiled at me since I had left Green bay, and it made me happy.

            “Hi, Lauren,” he said in a bright tone. “Welcome.”

            A smile spread across my own face upon hearing his voice. “Hey, Aaron.” Almost without thinking, I moved forward and hugged him. It felt really good, and I realized just how much I had missed having him near me.

            Aaron held onto me a little longer than necessary. When he did let go, he looked past me to my companion. “Tom.”

            I glanced back at Tom to see him nod at him, his expression unreadable. “Aaron.”

            “Thank you for coming,” Aaron said, looking back at me. “Come inside. I’ll let the others know you are here.” He held the door open, and I stepped inside; Tom walked in after me.

            “Not bad,” I said as I glanced around at the large hotel room with one bed.

            “I know,” Aaron said, closing the door and walking into the room after us. “Nice hat.”

            I smiled slightly. I was wearing a New York Giants cap. “Thanks. I’m wearing it to annoy the Cowboys fans.”

            Aaron chuckled. “Nice.”

            “I agree with the sentiment,” Tom commented casually.

            “Right. The Giants beat the Patriots three years ago. That was a good game, but I wish it had been the Packers facing you.”

            “And I wish the Patriots were facing you tomorrow.”

            “Well, maybe that’ll happen someday,” I said. It would be an interesting and exciting matchup, to say the least. It was too bad Aaron had been hurt the last time they played each other.

            There was a knock on the door.

            “Just a second,” Aaron said. He walked back to the door and opened it.

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