Bonus Chapter 62.5: Eli and Peyton

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"Love has been right by your side
So close that you couldn't see
If love could speak, it would shout to the sky
'I've always been here, I always will be'

I'm here, I'm now
Open your eyes and see
Right here, Right now
Open your eyes to love
Open your mind to love
Open your heart to love

– "Open Your Eyes (to Love)" by LMNT

Bonus Chapter 62.5: Eli and Peyton

Eli, Abby, and Eva Manning were the first visitors of Lauren's to arrive in Boston. Eli quickly found a rental car and drove off to Foxborough. He did find it amusing that people shot him furtive looks when they recognized him. For Lauren's sake, though, he knew he could not divulge in it.

The small family arrived at their hotel at noon. A couple of hours later, they were relaxing in their room after lunch when there was a knock on the door. Abby was rocking baby Eva in her arms, so Eli hopped up from the bed and strolled over to the door. He smiled when he saw his older brother standing there.

"Eli, we need to talk," Peyton said.

"Good afternoon, Peyton," Abby said from her spot on the bed. "It's nice to see you again."

"You too, Abby. And Eva."

"Now?" Eli said.

"Yes. Before we visit Lauren."

Abby stood. "If you want to talk in here, I will go visit Ashley and the twins."

Peyton gave her a small smile. "Thanks. She's like that. It's room 301."

Eli held the door open for his wife. Once she had departed, he and Peyton stepped inside the room. He had an inkling what this was about but he decided to let his brother bring it up. They stood in the middle of the room facing each other.

"This is our last shot to help Lauren see that she belongs here," Peyton said.

Eli raised his eyebrows slightly. "'We?' That was never my goal. Why should I influence her decision?"

"Because you know she can become so set on something that she becomes blind to what she really needs. Don't tell me you haven't noticed how much happier she has been her e- with him."

Eli had noticed. At first he could not understand it. However, after his sister and father had made up after years of avoiding each other, he was finally starting to see what she saw in Tom Brady. The Patriots quarterback had hurt her in the past, but he had since proven that he truly cared about her. He had come all the way here from California to see her, after all.

"He should be the one stopping her," Eli said. "Why won't he fight for her like a man? Like the way he does in football?"

"Tom is also very stubborn," said Peyton. "You're right that he doesn't give up – in football or in life. He may think Lauren is better off without him. He won't give up on doing what he thinks is best for her."

"But he should be honest with his feelings."

"So should Lauren. We need to help them at least face the truth."

Eli sighed. "How are we supposed to do that? If they're so stubborn, they won't listen to either of us."

"All we can do is try. We should make sure they have time alone so they can talk. The graduation party at Tom's house may be our best bet."

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