The Last Time

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Well, I never saw it coming
I should've started running
A long, long time ago
And I never thought I'd doubt you
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know

I'm slowly getting closure
I guess it's really over
I'm finally getting better
And now I'm picking up the pieces
From spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together

– “Over You” by Daughtry

Chapter 24: The Last Time

            Tuesday afternoon, Rob swung by my apartment to hang out. The two of us were playing a car race video game in the living room when Freya returned from class. “What are you guys doing?” she asked curiously as she walked closer. She dropped her backpack on the floor by the coffee table.

            “I’m winning,” Rob said.

            “For now,” I muttered.

            “Oh, that looks like fun,” Freya said, not sounding impressed.

            “She’s upset because I won the last three games,” Rob explained.

            “But I won the first one,” I said. “And the others have been close.”

            “Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades,” Rob said.

            Freya laughed. “That’s true, Lauren.”

            I rolled my eyes. “I know.” My car was catching up to Rob’s, but the race was running out. He won.

            “Yeah!” he exclaimed, pumping his fists into the air. “Victory!”

            “Good job,” I mumbled. I set my counsel on the coffee table. “I’m tired of this. Let’s do something else.”

            “Yes,” Freya agreed. She sat down on the couch beside me. “Let’s figure out what we should do for Halloween. It’s coming up.”

            “We should go trick or treating,” I suggested.

            Freya blinked. “Aren’t we a little too old for that?”

            “Nah,” Rob said. “If we take the time to dress up, people have to appreciate the effort.”

            “Especially if some of those trick or treaters are New England Patriots players,” I said, an idea forming in my head. “And with brilliant 18th century costumes.”

            “18th century?” Rob said in surprise.

            I nodded. I reached for the pictures in a pile on the coffee table. They were from the last time Brady and I were in Boston. I quickly flipped through them until I found the one with the two of us dressed up. “Like this.” I handed Rob the picture.

            “This is awesome,” he said. “Real Patriots.”

            I smirked. “Exactly.” It would be really cool and hilarious to see people’s reactions.

            “Which other players would join us?” Freya asked.

            “Just a couple. Maybe Brady and Wes.”

            “Sounds fun,” Rob said with a grin. “I’ll ask them tomorrow.”

            It did sound like fun. I had not really celebrated Halloween in years, and now I could not wait.

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