The Decision

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Softly, deftly, music shall caress you
Hear it, feel it secretly possess you
Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind
In this darkness which you know you cannot fight
The darkness of the music of the night

Let your mind start a journey to a strange new world
Leave all thoughts of the life you knew before
Let your soul take you where you long to be

– “Music of the Night” by Phantom of the Opera

Chapter 14: The Decision

            It was hard getting through the next couple of days of school. Everyone seemed to know I was upset, likely because my last name reminded them that Peyton was my brother. The students acted awkward around me and pretty much avoided me, even Molly, who had always been annoyed I had not invited her to the Super Bowl. I could not wait to get out of there.

            I visited Eli after classes Wednesday afternoon. I thought we could both use each other’s company after all that had happened. We tried to talk about school, but the conversation faded as we sat on the couch looking at each other.

            Finally, I couldn’t help myself. “I still can’t believe the Saints won,” I muttered disdainfully.

            “Well, they are a good team,” Eli said with a small frown.

            I looked away. “The Vikings were better. And the Colts. How did they both fall apart?”

            “I don’t know, but don’t you think it’s time to move on?”

            Looking back at him, I could see that he was asking this because he cared about me. I held in a sigh. “I’m sorry. I just can’t forget about what they did. Why do they have to target quarterbacks? All four games… They hurt everyone I love.” Sure, three hadn’t been hurt badly, but I had still been affected.

            Eli’s eyebrows flew up in surprise. “Everyone you love?”

            “Yes,” I said, feeling irritated at having to repeat myself. And why was he looking at me like that? “Didn’t you hear me?”

            “Including Brady?”

            I opened my mouth to reply, but nothing came out. Now I understood what he was getting at. He was wrong, though. “I didn’t say that.”

            Eli’s expression calmed, and he looked at me almost curiously as he crossed his arms. “That’s what it sounded like you were saying. You’re mad about all four games you saw, including the Patriots game. You did not like to see them defeated like that. You did not like to see Brady hurt.”

            I began to grow angry as he talked. It was just a slip; why was he making such a big deal about it? I pushed away all the doubts in my mind that told me he was right. I could not look at him, so I glared at the floor. “You’re wrong. I do not love Brady. Or the Patriots.”

            “Of course you don’t,” Eli said in a tone that suggested he was not buying it. “Are you still considering going to New England?”

            I felt my anger fading at this question. My brother did not mean me any harm, and I needed to be honest with him. I lifted my head to look at him wearily. “Yes. Right now, it’s mostly between there are Minnesota.”

            “And where are you leaning?”

            I looked down again. I did not like the truth because I did not understand it. There was no waI felt my anger fading at this question. My brother did not mean me any harm, and I needed to be honest with him. I lifted my head to look at him wearily. “Yes. Right now, it’s mostly between there and Minnesota.”

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