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But you'll just sit tight
And watch it unwind
It's only what you're asking for
And you'll be just fine
With all of your time
It's only what you're waiting for

Out of the island

Into the highway
Past the places where you might have turned
You never did notice
But you still hide away
The anger of angels who won't return”

– “Everything You Want” by Vertical Horizon

Chapter 49: Thanksgiving

            “Freya?” I called as I entered our apartment, shutting the door behind me. I had done what I said I would, so now it was her turn. “Are you here?”

            “I’m right here,” Freya said as she suddenly popped up in front of me. “I was about to start dinner. What’s up?”

            “I asked Tom to the Boston Bash, and he said yes,” I said bluntly.

            Freya clapped her hands together in glee. “Oh, that’s wonderful! You’re going to have such a good time together.”

            I shrugged. “Sure.” There was no use arguing with her. She was probably right, and I wanted to move onto someone else. “Have you found a date yet?”

            Her face deflated, and she shook her head sadly. “No. I have not been asked yet, and I don’t know who I should ask.”

            “Well,” I began slowly, “how about Rob?”

            “We already talked about this! He’s just a friend.”

            “You said you would think about it. Besides, you can go to a dance with a friend. You’ve had such bad luck with guys recently that it might do you some good to get the pressure off in a low-key setting like this.”

            She appeared to think about it for a minute. Finally, she nodded her head. “You’re probably right. Okay. I’ll see if he’s free.”

            I smiled in satisfaction. “Great. We could all go together.”

            She brightened at this suggestion. “That would be fun. Thanks for the excellent suggestion, Lauren!”

            I smirked as I watched her bound off. “It was my pleasure.”

            The Patriots’ next game was at home against the Kansas City Chiefs Monday night. They were able to come out with a win. I hoped the momentum could keep going. Though the team usually did win the division, it did not come without a lot of hard work, something I had come to appreciate recently. It should never be taken for granted.

            When I returned from school on Tuesday, I found Freya with two suitcases in the living room. “Getting ready to leave?” I said. She would be going back home to her parents for Thanksgiving break, which started the next day.

            “Yep!” Freya said with a grin. “I’m glad I could catch her first. I’m leaving in a few minutes.”

            I gave her a small smile. “Have fun.”

            “Thanks.” She gave me a quick and then pulled back and smirked at me. “Have fun with Peyton and Tom. I almost wish I could be there.”

            I rolled my eyes. “I don’t.” I could only imagine what she would do if she were there.

            “Oh! I asked Rob to the dance.”

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