Unsaid Feelings

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"Misuki, I will allow you to stay in Reim. However, you must not use your Metal Vessels against Reim."

"Please do not worry. I swear to not betray your kindness and hospitality you've given me."


When Muu introduced Alibaba to Misuki, the two were extremely delighted. The two cheered upon seeing each other and high-fived one another, which surprised the Fanalis Captain greatly.

"We met each other before. In fact, I was looking for this guy when I came here." Misuki stated before patting the younger on the head.

Alibaba blushed before looking away. Then, Alibaba quickly dragged Misuki to the side for a private talk. The Fanalis Corps stared dumbfounded, especially Muu and Hawk.

"Misuki, don't tell them that I have a Metal Vessel, I won't tell them about yours either." Alibaba quickly stated, to his surprise, Misuki let out a sigh.

"Too late for me, Lady Scheherazade suspected me. So they know." Alibaba looked alarmed.

"But, don't worry, I won't expose you. Just don't meet with Lady Scheherazade, she might be an old Magi, but it doesn't mean she doesn't have her powers. Although she is severely weakened." Alibaba nodded immediately, he never planned to meet the Magi either. It would be too risky for him.

"Didn't you go to the Dark Continent? Did anything happen to Morgiana?" He asked, slightly worried.

Misuki smiled at that, she always shipped the two together, but this time she gets to witnessed their marriage in front of her eyes.

"Morgiana is fine, she is training to become stronger so don't worry about her. For me, her trainer recommended me come to Reim, so here I am." Misuki then pouted.

"What, are you not happy to see me?" Alibaba quickly denied and shook his head. He did miss seeing her, and after all he has been through in Reim, he was glad he knew someone in a foreign country.

"By the way, why is the Fanalis child glaring at me?" Misuki laughed before gesturing for Hawk to come over. Misuki introduced Hawk to him and introduced Alibaba to Hawk. In a few minutes, Hawk bowed his head in thanks for Alibaba, to thank him for saving his Bird.

"Don't worry about it, that's what friends are for right?" He then looked at Misuki and whispered.

"Doesn't he look a lot like Morgiana?"

"Yes, he does. But he said he doesn't have any family. Maybe if we introduce the two, then they might know each other?" Alibaba shrugged but a smile went on his face.

"I think Morgiana would be happy to know that she has a little brother!"

Hawk thought about such a possibility.

Does he have an older sister?

In his memory, he does not have such a memory of an older sister.

He hopes, he stills hope he does.

Hawk does not mind meeting his older sister.

While they spoke in private, Muu stared at them with conflicted feelings. He didn't know the two had such a close relationship before, and if Alibaba knew about how he attacked Misuki when they first met, how would the blonde react?

"You two fought?" Alibaba asked in surprise.

Muu scratched his neck nervously and didn't deny it. But unexpectedly, the blonde grinned.

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