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You and Harry have been there for eachother forever. You think Harry may have feeling's for you, but you have never said anything, and besides you have a boyfriend. "(Y/N) I'm home!" yells your boyfriend. "Hey baby!" you yell jumping up from the couch and running over to him. You can tell he is in a grumpy mood. "Xander what's wrong?" you ask him. "I don't want to talk about it" he replies. "Talk to me" you say putting your hand on his arm. "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT (Y/N) FOR GOD SAKE!" he screams pushing you to the ground. Xander has never been mad at you like this before, and he has never hurt you physically. You pick yourself up off the ground and he walks away, tears filling your eyes slightly. "I was trying to help" you whisper looking at the ground and twiddling your thumbs. A tear rolls down your cold cheek. "STOP TRYING IM SICK OF YOU! ALL YOU EVER DO IS WINE AND COMPLAIN!" you start crying more and you look up to him. "AND NOW YOU'RE CRYING, YOU'RE SUCH A WEEK LITTLE SHIT!" he runs into the bedroom and brings a suitcase back out shoveing clothes into it. "Alexander don't leave!" you yell. "It's not for me!" he replies. The door opens but he doesn't notice, he pushes the suitcase into you and you fall to the floor again, but this time you wack your head on the wall and it starts bleeding. "You dickhead!" yells a husky voice. Your best friend Harry runs up to him and smacks his fist into Xanders nose. "HARRY!" you scream. A cracking nose rattles your ear and Alexanders hands come rushing up to his nose. Harry moves his hands and punches him again. You run out of the apartment and down the hall. "(Y/N)" you hear Harry yell. He runs up behind you and spins you around. "Harry im fine!" you yell. "Leave me alone." Harry wipes away your tears with his thumb. "Come and stay at my place" he says. "No, ill stay at Ells or Perrie's tonight, don't worry" you turn around again and Harry sighs. "You've brought this apon yourself" he says. "What?" you turn around half way but Harry picks you up swiftly and puts you over his shoulder. "HARRY PUT ME DOWN!" you scream. Harry walks down the stairs and to his house. It's about a five minute walk. he reaches his apartment building and goes up to the 3rd floor. Unlocks his door and puts you down. You drop your bag there. "I couldn't let you go!" he yells. He wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your wet lips. You close your eyes and move to his rythim, entranced by him. "I love you" he whispers on your lips. "I love you too Harry" you reply

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