Chapter Eight: Oh, No. What Happened?

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Chapter Eight: Oh, No. What Happened? 

I was standing outside of the club later that nigh with my tight silver dress clinging to my body in a very uncomfortable way. I just needed a minute to catch my breath before I returned to the excitement, but I had been standing here lost in my thought for the past hour or so. 

Thoughts about my career, thoughts about how tired I am, thoughts about how I don't want this life for me anymore, and mainly thoughts about Harry. 

When I think about the cheeky Cheshire boy, a grin finds it's way to my lips. Sure, he isn't mine and I'm not his, but it feels as like he does have some claim in me. That's why I had to get some air.

I had been watching him flirt with several flirty blondes and I couldn't take it anymore. I would watch him flex his muscles and run a hand through his flawless curls. I would watch the girls press their hips against his and twirl their bleached hair around their fingers trying to be seductive. The thought just caused me to scoff. I do it better.

I didn't even want to admit it to myself why he made me feel this way. I definitely couldn't even think about saying it out loud. I haven't felt this way about someone in a long time, and I was going to do whatever it took to make these feelings go away. I can't be put in the same situation I was in a year ago again. 

"Andy, there you are." A familiar Irish accent called as he made his way toward me with a smile on his face.

What surprised me was not that he found me, but that he was actually sober. He was usually the first to get wasted when we came out. I guess I couldn't talk because I was completely sober also.

"Hey, are you okay?" His tone softened when he noticed my expression which I quickly changed to one of indifference.

"I'm fine, Niall. What about you?" I raised an eyebrow, it wasn't like him to walk away from a party.

"I've never been better, but why are hiding out here all alone?" He raised an eyebrow, and his concern made me smile a real smile. 

I've always felt some sort of bond with Niall, like he was sent to save me almost, but I'm a lost cause so he would be wasting his time. But if he wanted I would let him try to be my angel, lord knows I need all of the help I can get.

"I just needed a break." I sighed telling half of the truth. I was exhausted.

"So, it has nothing to do with my best mate and the girl that he's snogging on the dance floor?" He asked in an amused tone. I'm glad he thought this was funny. 

I didn't say anything I just tried my hardest to keep my cool. I didn't want to know that he was snogging her. I didn't want to know that he was running his hands over some girl the way that he used to run his hands over me. I didn't want to think of him whispering into her ear how sexy he thought she looked in her dress. 

"Come on, Andy. Just admit that you have feelings for him. It would make you feel better." Niall pleaded, but I just shook my head.

"I'm not capable of feelings, Niall. No anymore, and he can do whatever he wants. He's perfectly single since there are no cameras around. He can do what he pleases, and you know what so can I." I could feel the wheels turning in my head. If Harry wanted to play, then game on.

"You don't want him to be perfectly single though, you want him to be your boyfriend." Niall argued, and I cringed at the word.

"No, Niall. I don't. I just like sleeping with him, he's crazy fun. There are no strings attached." I corrected with a dead look in my eyes. I knew that was a lie, and so did Niall.

Saving Andy (A One Direction/Harry Styles Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now