Chapter Forty One: Maybe Tonight

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Take this moment, ours to own it.
All our friends ride by your side.
Maybe someday, we'll be somebody.
Maybe someday starts tonight.

Chapter Forty One: Maybe Tonight

Andy's Point of View:

Have you ever been in a situation where everything just feels wrong? Have you ever just wanted to cry or break everything because you don't know anything anymore, and nothing is going right. Like you can't explain it out loud, and inside everything is just as clouded.

That's how I felt right now. That's how I felt when I told Harry that he could have tonight. That's how I felt when he put his arms around me and held me close. That's how I felt when his eyes met mine. I felt... off. Not like being with Harry usually felt.

I knew that something between us was broken, and it has been broken for a while now. I knew that it had shattered the second he walked away from me. The only thing that I didn't know was if it could be repaired. I didn't know if I even wanted it to be.

That's why I felt all too relieved when Ashton had pulled me away from the party and out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. I guess that he could read my facial expressions enough to know that I needed a break.

"What did he say, Andy? How did he make you forget everything?" Ashton asked after a while, and I debated just pretending like I didn't know him.

"I didn't forget, Ash. I know what he did. I know what I did. I can't forget that." I mumbled, pulling a cigarette out of my pocket and lighting it up.

I ignored the disapproving look that Ashton was sending me. I know that I had promised him to try and quit, but let's be honest. I've promised a lot of people a lot of things, and here I am.

"They've caused you nothing but shit, Andy. He broke your heart. He didn't call on your damn birthday. None of them did. They've lied to you and played you, all of them. You can't just forgive him." Ashton sounded annoyed, so I turned my body so that I could get a better look at him.

"Ashton, everyday, everyone is telling me who to be or who to talk to. They're all competing to be heard, and it's making me dizzy. My parents, my fans, my managers, the media, my friends, you. Trying to tell me how to behave and what I'm supposed to be. They say all this shit, and I can't even hear myself think over everyone else yelling at me." I snap and instantly feel stupid.

"A, I'm not trying to tell you what to do. I just don't understand how you can forgive him..." He admitted, and he honestly did look a little guilty.

I shouldn't have said what I did, but he shouldn't have either. He was supposed to be one of my best friends. He was supposed to be there for me during all of this shit, and instead he's making me feel worse. It wasn't my fault that he didn't understand.

"I didn't forgive him, but if I ever did it would be because I love him. It would be because when he's with me, I don't hear everyone whispering in my ear telling me to be this or that... I hear him telling me that I'm perfect just the way that I am. Doesn't that count for anything?" I asked slowly breaking once again.

"That counts for everything. I just don't want you to get hurt again." He said softly, pulling me into his chest. "I can't lose you." He mumbled into my hair.

"You'll never lose me, Ash. I'm done with cutting and feeling sorry for myself. Australia was my fresh start. My second chance. I'm not messing this up." I smiled at him, and he just returned it.

"What is it about him, Andy? What makes him so hard to let go of." He asked, almost in a bitter voice.

"It's the way he's so stupid when I'm around. It's the way that he says things that don't make sense. It's the way that he laughs to weird. It's the way that he talks to damn slow. It's the way that sometimes I'm pretty sure he loves Louis more than me. It's the way that his screams scare me when he's angry. It's the way that his dance moves are so awkward. It's the way that he smirks all smug like he knows the world's best kept secret. It's the way that he's so annoying and then he turns around and calls me an idiot." I smirked, this was the easiest question.

"It's the way I still love him."

We sat out there under the stars for who knows how long. We talked about everything and nothing at all. We talked about the Teen Choice Awards, which I would be attending. We talked about their next few shows, which I would be attending. We talked about the boys' movie premier in London, which I wasn't invited to. The boys' movie premier in New York, that I still wasn't invited to. The VMAs, which I wouldn't be attending because I couldn't get off of work.

"What would you say if I told you that Harry was going to propose to you?" Ashton asked, shattering the peaceful silence that had fallen over the two of us after our latest round of laughter had died down.

"I would say that it isn't nice to play with my emotions like that." I teased, poking him in his chest.

He had obviously been working out since the last time that I saw them. They all had, and I was impressed.

"I'm not playing with your emotions. I overheard him talking to Zayn about a ring and she has to say yes." He replied seriously, and I felt his body tense next to mine.

I looked down at my bare left hand, and let my mind wander. Would it really be that bad if Harry did propose to me? But was I really ready to commit myself to someone, even if it was Harry? Could I trust him enough to say yes?

"I need to talk him out of this. Ashton, I can't marry him. I'm only nineteen. Has he lost his mind?" I finally came to my senses long enough to speak.

My eyes widened, and so did Ashton's with the realization of the situation hitting him as well. This was forever we were talking about, and even though I screw around, I still want my first marriage to be my only marriage.

I shuffle to my feet and practically run into the main part of their hotel room where we had left everyone to themselves earlier. I had to talk to Harry, and I have to talk to Harry now.

When I spot him, he is singing some song so loudly and so obnoxiously that it was easy to figure out that he had passed drunk long ago. So much for reminding me who I fell in love with.

"Andrea." Luke drunkenly cheered, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Lucas." I said in a bored voice. He was distracting me from my mission.

I shook him off another word and made my way toward the boy who has done nothing but made my life more complicated since he walked into it. He smiled at me and threw his arms over my shoulder like Luke's had been seconds ago.

"Do you want me to walk you to your room, Harry? You're pretty out of it." I asked softly running a hand through his curls. He just made a soft purring noise and nodded.

We made a round through the room saying our goodbyes and good nights. Everyone hugged me and wished me the best of luck.

The trip to Harry's room, which was only a floor about Ashton and Calum's, was disastrous. He couldn't work straight, and he kept yelling out that I should take him back because he needs me. It didn't help that these two girls were taking pictures of the two of us in the elevator. I could only imagine the rumors that would be going around tomorrow.

When I opened the door and collapsed onto his bed, Harry starts hysterically laughing. It wasn't drunk laughter either.

"My plan so worked, Andy." He continued to laugh, and I slowly caught on.

I hit his arm and shook my head. I couldn't believe that he had pulled that off.

"You were pretending?" I accused, wondering why he didn't lose the act earlier instead of making me practically carry him here.

"I had to get us out of there somehow. I want to talk to you alone. And you thought you were the only one who could act." He teased, but I wasn't amused. I was too mad at him to be amused.

"No, you've proved that you could when you pretended to be in love with me for the past year." I snapped.

His smile faded, and his eyes became the soft green that I fell in love with. He looked guiltier than Ashton had earlier.

"You will never understand how sorry I am for that." He repeated for what had to be the millionth time tonight.

"We used to rule the world, every kiss was an adventure.
Every night with you was like a holiday.
Yeah, we used to fly like two birds of a feather.
Making promises we swore we'd never break.
Why did we say goodbye?
I should've held on tight.
Let's go back tonight.'

Harry softly sang, emphasizing the word tonight. This was one of my favorite songs, and I had mentioned it to Harry once in passing. I'm surprised that he remembered that. I'm also surprised that he knew the words, but I'm mostly surprised that it fit our situation perfectly.

"Yeah, you rocked my world forever.
I know you still remember how we felt before.
Yeah, we should be together 'cause nothing could be better
Than the way we were.
Baby, let's go back to the way we were.

We spend the day in bed.
Not thinking 'bout the future.
We were so in love, we didn't have a care.
And I still can't forget they way you danced around my kitchen
With a box of wine, in your underwear."

"I know that we can't pretend. I know that I hurt you, and I hate myself for it. I hate that I ever made you cry. I can't make it up to you, but I'll try. Everyday. Forever." He spoke slowly after he had finished his song.

Forever. The word brought Ashton's words from earlier back to my mind. Marriage. Forever. Something I wasn't ready for.

"Are you planning to propose to me?" I blurted out, and instantly slammed my hands to my mouth not believing the words had escaped.

His eyes widened, and he shot up from his laying position to a sitting position.

"Why the hell would you think that?" He asked me urgently, as if it was the most absurd idea that he had ever heard.

"Ash said he heard you and Z talking about rings, and he just assumed..." I was beginning to awkwardly ramble when Harry put his hand over his mouth to silence me. Oh how I longed for the days when he would put his mouth on my mouth to shut me up.

"Zayn is proposing to Perrie when we get back to London. That's why we were talking about rings." He clarified, and it was my turn for my eyes to widen

"No shit? They're so perfect. Of course she'll say yes. Do you think she'll make me a bridesmaid? You'll be a groomsmen for sure. I'm so happy for them." I squealed like the little white girl that I am.

"It will be us one day, though. You can count one that." He assured me, but I barely even heard him. I was too busy imagining little Zerrie babies.

We both laid back down and it seemed like our exhaustion finally got the better of us. It was well after four in the morning, and there was no telling what time the would wake us up in the morning.

"Andy, thanks for tonight. Even if it didn't go like I had planned, it meant a lot to me." He mumbled tiredly, and I smiled at his sleepy voice. It's still sexy as ever.

"Shut up, and hold me." I mumbled back, placing my head on his chest and making myself comfortable.

I couldn't help but smile as I heard his heartbeat speed up at my touch. All I could think about as I drifted to sleep was how I would be content with falling asleep to that sound every night for the rest of my life.

I knew that it wouldn't be easy to get us back on track. It wouldn't be easy with the distance and the people trying to keep us apart.

I also knew that maybe, just maybe Harry Edward Styles was worth taking a risk for.

Maybe one day I would fall asleep thinking of little Handrea babies.

Maybe one day I would be Andrea Styles, but for today, I'm content in Harry's arms.


So, it's been a while.

I apologize for the wait. I truly do. It sucked.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, for some reason I really liked it.

So, a few things.

Don't forget to keep commenting interview questions that is coming up after the epilogue as sort of a bonus chapter.

I'm thinking one more chapter, an epilogue, and the bonus interview. Also, I'll dedicate the next chapter to whoever can tell me the name of the song that Harry is singing Andy.

Comment, Vote, and fan.

The last chapter got more votes than any of my chapters ever have before, so thanks for that. (:

Stay fabulous. XOXO


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