Chapter Thirty Two: Long Time Coming

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Chapter Thirty Two: Long Time Coming

Sitting in the airport with the boys of One Direction had to be one of the most awkward things I've ever encountered. 

We had been sitting around in an awkward silence for at least the last half hour. I knew that they were all burning with questions, but they woudn't voice them, not here anyway. I was expecting them to bombard me this morning, but we had overslept and barely made it in time to be two hours early.

Every so often a fan would come up to us and ask for pictures. Occasionally someone would ask why I'm with One Direction and why Harry and I are sitting as far away from each other as humanly possible. Sometimes they were my fans, sometimes they were Harry's fans.

"Will someone please say something, anything?" Louis practically begged, breaking under the silence first.

"There are approximately one hundred million acts of sexual intercourse every day." Zayn says casually without looking up from his phone.

We all turn to look at him with various looks of confusion, awe, and disgust. How does someone just know that?

"Hedenophobic means fear of pleasure." Niall also stated nonchalantly.

"When you look at someone you love, your pupils dilate. They also dilate when you look at someone you hate." I add, catching on. 

"Is that true?" Niall asked, looking at me with a look of amazement on his face. No, his pupils didn't dilate when he looked at me.

"Andy, look at Harry." Louis states excitedly, but I just blushed and looked down.

Harry's head snapped up from his lap when he heard his name used with mine in the same sentence. He had an unmistakable look of sadness in his eyes, and I wondered what he had to say about. He was Harry Styles and he had the entire world in his hands.

"She doesn't need to. Look at him looking at her. His eyes are slightly dilated." Liam whispers to Louis and Niall, but it was still loud enough for me to hear him.

I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. I guess that just proves that it isn't true because he doesn't love me anymore. He's moved on to bigger and better things than a broken actress who had more family issues than award nominations.

"Oh my gosh, Ni when you google weird facts this thing about you comes up and it's kind of scary." Zayn exclaimed, taking the attention away from me and the boy sitting at the other end of the row of chairs.

"What does it say?" Niall almost sounded like he didn't want to know. I didn't really blame him, some of his fans took things to the extremes.

"All you need to know about Niall Horan. Niall has had 732,419,446 heartbeats.  Niall has taken 152,587,345 breaths since the day he was born. 41,056,988 steps since he started walking.  Niall has eaten 73,195.24 kg of food since he was born." Zayn read, but this was getting unbelievable.

I reached over Niall and grabbed Zayn's phone from him which caused him to protest, but I didn't care. I had to read this for myself.

"Niall has peed 42,384 cups of urine. Niall has farted 98,896 times that's about 3,532 litters of gas which is enough to fill up 253 normal sized party balloons. Okay, Ni, this is creepy, and totally not realistic. There is no way that's accurate." I sighed and looked over at the scared boy sitting next to me.

"Our directioners are dedicated, A. Never underestimate them." Louis chuckled and took the phone into his hands.

"Niall, how would they know that you have blinked 108,503,040 times?" Liam asked, reading over Louis' shoulder.

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