Chapter Thirty One: Crossroads

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Chapter Thirty One: Crossroads

Niall's Point of View:

I was never one to be afraid of thunderstorms, but there was something about the one outside of my window that felt different. It was an odd time of the year for a storm like this, and it was keeping me from falling asleep.

Since it was our last night in London before we all go our separate ways for a few days, we had decided to come back to my flat and watch a few movies and order pizza. Of course, everyone had fallen asleep during the second movie, except for me, of course.

As I watched lightening flash across the night sky, I couldn't help but hope that this wouldn't result in our flights being cancelled tomorrow. I don't think I could wait another day to see my mum again. It's been too long as it is.

I was distracted from my storm watching by a loud knocking coming from my door. It was around midnight, so I wasn't sure who would be coming around at this hour.

Normally, I would have woken Louis or someone else up to walk with me in case it was some kind of stalker fan or serial killer, but they haven't really been sleeping well lately.

Harry has been dealing with all of his stuff with Andy. Louis and Eleanor have been fighting more because of the Larry rumors that are making a comeback. Even though he would never admit it, Liam is still losing sleep since he broke up with Danielle. I knew that waking Zayn up would be a lost cause, so I decided to man up and do it on my own.

To my surprise, I open the door to a drenched brunette girl who has mascara lines streaking down her face, whether they're from crying or from the rain I wasn't sure.

She didn't even give me a chance to greet her before she launched herself into my arms and hugged me like it's been years, rather than weeks since she's seen me last. I hugged her back just as tightly. I've really been scared for her since I heard she started cutting again.

After a few minutes of emotional silence, she pulls away and looks me in the eyes. I could see so many emotions there. Fear, happiness, sadness, guilt, love, and maybe even a little disappointment. 

"Not that this isn't a pleasant surprise, what are you doing here, love?" I asked in a small voice, not wanting to wake the others who are just a room over.

"I don't know... I just got on a plane. I didn't really think about it. I just couldn't be there anymore, and I couldn't go home... I didn't have anywhere to go." She said as if that was any sort of explanation.

"Wait. Aren't you supposed to be on a film set right now? How did you even get here? Does anyone even know that you're here? What happened that made you leave? Did someone hurt you? I'll kill them-" I shot off questions faster than Andy could answer them. I wouldn't have stopped either if she hadn't of cut me off.

"I am supposed to be on a film set right now. They'll be surprised when I don't show up. They'll be even more surprised when they find my resignation email. I boarded a plane before the weather got bad, and I've been roaming around the city for hours trying to figure out why I came here in the first place. No one knows I'm here." She answered every question except for my last two.

I then realized that the poor girl was shivering and stepped aside so that she could come in. I raised an eyebrow at her when I realized that she only had one small bag with her. It didn't look like she was planning on staying long.

I followed her into my sitting room and watched as her eyes widened when they landed on a certain lad who was peacefully sleeping on my couch. Her face seemed to lose all color, and I was honestly afraid she was about to faint.

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