Chapter Four: Drunken Party Games

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Chapter Four: Drunken Party Games

"Truth or dare, Andy." Ali slurs, and I wonder how drunk she actually is. She's always been a little bit of a lightweight.

"Truth." I say with a smirk. Her truths are always much worse than her dares.

The two of us, along with all five of the One Direction boys and their drummer, Josh, are sitting in my living room later that night playing a rather intense game of truth or dare.

My interview had gone off perfectly, and so had my meeting with my manager. He was ecstatic that I was dating THE Harry Styles and was pleased with my decision to go to England for a few days. The boys were excited that Ali and I would be going, that's right management wouldn't let me go without a babysitter, and Cher agreed to pick us up at the airport so that I can spend the day with her.

"What happened with you and Kendall? Not the story the media got, the real story." Ali asked with an evil smile on her face, and her eyes were glued to Harry as she spoke. She always has been a mean drunk.

I froze at the sound of his name, and tears instantly filled my eyes. No one ever brought up Kendall and I. My management had shut down the press so that they couldn't ask about it either. It was so long ago, so why is Ali making me relive everything now?

"We just didn't work." I said weakly, staring down at my hands even thought I could feel seven pairs of eyes on me.

"Bull. Andy, something big happened. What was it?" Ali pushed and I just chugged the vodka shot that was in my hand.

The burning sensation that it sent down my throat felt like a sense of comfort, it felt like home.

"Maybe I just couldn't be Kendall's perfect girlfriend anymore. Why do you even care?" I snap angrily. She knew better than to ask about him.

The only person who knew the story about what exactly happened was Cher. It took me a while to trust her, but I had to tell someone. The guilt was killing me alive.

"That's not true either. You loved being Kendall's perfect girlfriend." She snapped, and I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Kendall Schmidt?" Louis asked with a raised eyebrow.

Did they honestly not have a clue? It was all of every magaizne, blog, and socialnetworking site for the past ever. It just died down when my one night stands became more interesting.

"You dated Kendall?" Harry asked with a bit of disappointment in his voice that I didn't understand. We all had a past, Kendall just happens to be a part of mine.

"I dated Kendall from when I was about fifteen to when I was a little over seventeen. Almost two years." I answered in a small voice. "Truth or dare, Liam." I change the subject before anyone else can say anything.

"Dare." He said wearily.

They obviously wanted to press more about Kendall, but it just something I wanted to forget ever happened. I had to forget in order to ever move on.

"I... I... Um.. I just need a minute." I stuttered slowly becoming very clammy. I could feel my pace become pale with ever passing second.

I rush out of the room ignoring the seven confused faces that I was leaving behind. This happens everything that someone brings up Kendall because I'm forced to remember the things that I desperately want to forget.

The cool night air is like a slap to the face the second that I step onto my balcony, but I just ignore it as the tears leak from my eyes faster than I can wipe them away. I never cry, I like to think that I'm stronger than that.

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