Chapter Twenty Seven: All These Tears

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"Every person has at least one secret that would break your heart." 

Chapter Twenty Seven: All These Tears

When I arrived home from my interesting coffee break with Kendall and Ciara, I decided that I would take to cleaning to take my mind off of things. 

Why had I invited the Big Time Rush boys over knowing that Harry would overreact because of my past with Kendall? Why did I feel like I could suddenly trust Kendall again? Why did I open up to him about my parents when even Harry doesn't know that story yet? Why am I so in over my head?

I was drowning myself with questions while I dusted and vacuumed until I heard my front door swing open. I had given both Harry and Eleanor a key so that they could come and go as they all pleased. I was pretty much too lazy to worry about unlocking and re locking the door every time someone arrived or wanted to leave.

I walked into the my living room which was now filled with chatter and shopping bags and four girls who just happen to be my best friends. I raise an eyebrow at them when I notice that the boys are nowhere in sight.

"We ditched them at the studio. It's not nearly as fun as a movie set, A." Ali told me with a wide smile. Her blonde curls flowing perfectly down her back.

"We decided to go shopping instead. I text you, but you never replied." Eleanor added. Plopping down onto my couch with a dramatic sigh. Typical Eleanor.

"Yeah, I turned my phone off after I got home. I needed some time to myself before tonight." I shrugged, taking a seat next to her. 

That got Perrie and Danielle's attention. They had both been glued to their phones since they walked through the door.

"What is going on tonight?" Perrie asked in her perfect British accent that I was incredibly jealous of. Eleanor and Danielle had cute accents, too, but I liked Perrie's the most for some reason.

"I'm having a little get together. I hope you all brought swimsuits." I faked a smile at them, hoping they didn't catch it.

"Who did you invite? Do I need to call security? A caterer?" Ali shot off, suddenly typing away on her Blackberry. 

"No and no. Just Kendall, James, Carlos, Logan, and Ciara. I was just about to text Kendall and Kylie Jenner to see if they were in town." It got silent after I had informed them of my guest list.

We sat in an awkward silence for who knows how long until my front door is once again opened. This time five very attractive guys filed in, and I couldn't help but notice how tired they all looked.

Louis immediately pulled Eleanor off of the couch, before sitting down himself and pulling her back into his lap causing her to giggle. They are so perfect together it's ridiculous. 

Zayn took a seat next to Perrie, like a normal person would do. Niall and Liam headed straight to my kitchen mumbling about wanting a bottle of water or something stronger. And finally Harry just shut the door and stood next to it as if he were waiting for something grand to happen.

"Andy, will you come with me? I want to show you something." He asked with a weak smile.

Out of all of the boys, Harry looked the worst. His curls were lifeless, falling around his face. He had bags under his eyes and they were slightly bloodshot. I had to wonder if he even got any sleep last night. 

I just sheepishly nodded and followed my boyfriend back out the door without even saying goodbye to everyone else in my house. It was implied though, and it was also implied that Ali would entertain our guest if they arrived before I got home.

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