Chapter Twelve: Save My Heart

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Chapter Twelve: Save My Heart

Sometimes, even London has a perfectly sunny day that rivals the prettiest days in Southern California. Lucky for me, today is one of those days. There isn't a cloud in the sky, and it was in the mid seventies making it feel perfect outside.

I decide to take advantage of both the sun and my day off, and spend it lounging out by Louis and Harry's pool with Cher. Ali had claimed to have some business meeting to attend to, but I have a theory that she was going to meet a certain brunette drummer. 

It's been an hour since my lunch with Josh, which was more of a publicity stunt than an actually friendly get together. Of course, he asked about Harry, and without really answer his question I asked him how much longer he was going to deny his feelings for Jennifer Lawrence even though I know they are just friends. I wanted the spotlight off of me.

I decided that my hiatus from Twitter was getting a little out of control, so I would give my followers something to favorite and retweet.

@AndyOfficial: Stepped my game up and sexed my frame up.

I had to keep up my bad girl appearance, even if I wasn't feeling it right now. I have even gone all day without a drink or some sort of drug. This has to be a new record for me.

Within seconds my Twitter is blowing up with replies and mentions.

@marryme1D: @AndyOfficial bet you're sexing Harry up ;)

@Harry'sLover: @AndyOffical you better not be touching my man. He's too good for you. xx

I just roll my eyes and continue to read mentions about getting dirty with Harry or how Harry is way out of my league because he's so innocent. Hello, Directioners, he's not your perfect little cupcake. 

Out of boredom and silence, I decide to tweet again.

@AndyOfficial: Anyone else ever consider just ditching their lives and never looking back? No? Okay.

Quickly I get replies asking if I had gotten a flat tire in my new Range Rover or if Harry was in fact cheating on me with Taylor Swift. I love how because I am famous everyone assumes my life is perfect. 

"Andy, how are you holding up?" Cher asked me seriously, adjusting her Ray Bans on her face, and breaking me away from my mentions on Twitter. 

I just shrug and keep my attention on the article I'm reading about how out of control I am. If only the media knew the half of it.

"I'll be okay. I just thought he was different." I say nonchalantly, trying to ignore the aching in my chest that appeared every time he's been brought up since I overheard his conversation this morning. 

"This is who he is. Why did I think that you could change that? I never should have let you do this?" Cher stated rather dramatically. I didn't understand why she even considered blaming herself. It was my judgement mistake. I guess I wanted Harry to be my knight in shining armour, so that's what I saw. 

"He knows, Cher. He knows about Kendall, about my parents, about the baby, about my cutting. He knows everything, and he still wants to break my heart." I blink back the tears that are desperately trying to cascade my cheeks. 

"You can come stay with me, you know? Finish you're two weeks here and then never see him again." She suggested, and I really considered it.

I could just leave, but that would just let him win. He would know that he got to me, and that I lost our unspoken bet by falling in love first.

I guess that's the catch when you play with your heart. Either way you're going to lose. I either lose the game or I lose Harry. Right now I'm not sure which comes with the greater cost. By losing the game, I lose my reputation, I lose how things are, in a sense I lose everything. If I lose Harry, I lose the only person I've felt something for since Kendall, I'll lose what could possibly be the greatest love story ever written. Of course, that would be the best case scenario. Harry has made it clear he doesn't return the feelings I have just recently admitted to myself that I have.

"How did this happen, A? How did he get you to fall in love with him?" Cher questioned, randomly.

"Between the play fights, the right words, being together all day everyday, him being the first and last person I see ever day, taking walks in the park at the middle of the night so we don't have to worry about people bothering us, between the hugging and the kissing and the crying on his shoulder, he did it. He did was I thought could never happen again." I sighed and ran a hand through my tangled brown hair.

I stopped to think for a second about when the last time I had actually washed it was and shuddered. I will definitely be doing that tonight.

As if on cue, I hear five familiar voices approaching us. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I knew they were up to something mischievous. For a second, when I first saw them, I forgot that I was mad at them. They were my best friends. How could they do this to me?

"Cher, we didn't know you were coming." Niall called happily as he took a seat at the end of my chair.

"I wasn't aware I needed your permission." Cher replied playfully, causing Niall to roll his eyes.

"What have you been doing today, Andy?" Louis asked me, taking a seat on the chair next to mine.

"Oh, I just went to lunch with Joshua Ryan, came back here, called Cher, and here we are." I sum everything up.

"You and Josh ever have a romance?" Zayn asked with a raised eyebrow. One that almost looked accusing if I didn't know any better.

I shoot him a weird look. They all knew that Josh and I have never been anything more than friends at any given point ever.

"Oh, yes, Zayn. He's having my babies." I scoff, and the rest of the boys and Cher crack up with laughter.

 The only person that didn't laugh or even crack a smile was Harry, who had been oddly silent since the boys had come back from the studio. He hadn't even greeted me. Maybe the guilt was finally getting to him.

"Harry, are you okay?" I ask, causing everyone's now divided attention to snap to the two of us as if some big show was about to occur.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He mumbled, but his green eyes refused to meet mine like they usually do when he's talking to me.

"You're acting weird." I raise my eyebrows, as if challenging him to lie to me again.

"I just had a long day, Andy. Drop it." He snapped before abruptly standing up and storming into his flat.

Everyone else just shoots me a sympathetic look, but I didn't want sympathy. I wanted to know what the hell was going on.

Harry Styles has to be the most confusing person on the planet. He's on one second and then he's not. One second I think he might feel something for me and then the next I'm pretty sure he wants to push me into moving traffic. I just know that I will get to the bottom of this if it's the last thing that I do. 


I know it's short, but the next chapter will be a million times better. The picture on the side is Andy wearing the swimsuit that she's tanning in.

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